Her new release, Portals Book 2 of the Thulukan Chronicles, is available now.
From the Cover:
For supernatural detectives Thulu and
La Fi, “normal” is a relative term. La Fi is a medium, Thulu is a
finder, and their usual clients are already dead.
But when their friend Reo is shot, and
a group of stranded angels show up at their house for help to find a
missing child, things are striking too close to home.
And now the portals that let the
magical races return to Earth have started opening on their own.
With trips off-world, a kidnapped
psychic and changes to their own abilities, Thulu and La Fi are hit
with a lot more than they usually handle. Of course, their magical
friends are there to help, but even they may not be enough to save an
increasingly unstable Earth.
Portals is the sequel to Relics
and is Book 2 in The Thulukan Chronicles.
From the Cover:
Most of Thulu and La Fi's clients are dead. Which is perfect since their detective agency caters to the supernatural. So, a job finding relics for an ancient daemon should be simple.
The daemon needs the relics to keep a dangerous portal closed. His enemy, Gabriel, wants the relics to open the portal and give his people access to a new feeding ground - Earth.
Stunning humanity with their existence, portals to other worlds begin to open and the creatures of magic return to Earth.
When Gabriel threatens their family, Thulu and La Fi's search becomes personal. The couple will need powerful allies in the race to find the relics before Gabriel does. But maybe that's what grateful dead, magical allies and daemonic clients are for.
When the creatures of myth and magic return to Earth, they're nothing like your mother's fairy tales.
Thanks for visiting with us today!!
Thank you for having me here, Dottie!
Why don't you start by telling my
readers a little bit about yourself?
I write, play MMOs (Star Wars and Guild
Wars 2). I also teach college when I’m doing my impression of being
an adult. I have two dogs and try to hike when I can, but that’s
not nearly as often as I’d like.
What drew you to the craft of writing?
Creating things has been something I’ve
done all my life. From acting professionally to all sorts of crafting
to teaching, I’ve always got some creative outlet going. Writing
has been part of the acting process for me in creating my characters’
backstories. But the official novel was just something I decided to
try when the characters sprang to life for me.
Do you write for the story burning to
be told or do you write for a character that won't leave you alone?
Although my characters are my
inspiration, I’d have to say that I’m split with both characters
and their stories. It might begin with the characters, but I don’t
start writing until I have a vague idea where I’m going with them.
Are you a pantser or plotter?
Panster. Totally. I know where my story
is going to end up (usually), but I have no idea how I’m going to
get there. I let the characters surprise me and I enjoy the journey.
When do you like to write? Mornings,
Afternoons, Middle of the Night, or somewhere in between (like when
the kids sleep)?
Well, my only kids are the dogs and
they are good about not interrupting when I’m at the computer.
I write whenever the mood strikes me. If I’m on a self-imposed
deadline, then I usually write off and on all day.
Do you have some favorite music that
inspires your writing? A movie? What inspires you?
I listen to a lot of film and gaming
soundtracks when I write. Depending on what I’m working on
determines which ones. My playlist is pretty long…as in days long.
And it’s very eclectic, with lots of epic music, but also
atmospheric pieces as well. However, it’s 99% instrumental. I find
words to be distracting so I don’t listen to songs with words I can
When you're not writing, do you have a
favorite author or genre you enjoy?
I read what I write more often than not
– fantasy and sc fi. But I also love mysteries, thrillers,
historical. I have eclectic tastes. I adore George R.R. Martin’s A
Song of Ice and Fire and the Harry Potter series.
What advice would you give to others in
the journey to becoming published?
If it’s what you really want then
stay with it. It can be a frustrating industry at times and if you
truly love it, you will weather the storms. Don’t rush the process.
Be through with your manuscript and make it the best you can before
you put it out there.
Did you have a long line of submissions
before you “got the call”? For those readers would wonder, how
long did the submission process take for you?
I did the submission process twice. I
had to stop the query process and rewrite Relics as a
stand-alone, so the second half of the book got tossed. From the very
beginning to contract, it was two years total. But from rewrite to
contract, it was about six, seven months. Most of that was going the
traditional route trying to get an agent. From the time I subbed
directly to publishers it was about one month before I signed a
Is there any other
advice/recommendations you'd like to share?
Find a good solid group of experienced
writers who are willing to share their expertise. Having that support
system makes a big difference. I couldn’t have done what I have
without my author friends. Their advice has been invaluable. And get
good beta readers who will be honest.
If your book was going to be made into
a movie, who would play your heroine? Hero? Bad guy?
Jennifer Lawrence for La Fi and Chris
Hemsworth for Thulu. The bad guy actually has little screen time and
a lot of CGI, so I’m going to go with our other bad boy, the daemon
Tyler Jones. Shemar Moore would be perfect for him.
Where can we find you and your books?
You can find my work through my author
page at Amazon Maer on Amazon -
Share with us something about your
current book.
That night Parker had popped in to wake
us at two in the morning to tell us our best friend, Reo, had been
shot. The young ghost was distraught and panicked.
“They're on the back porch! You have
to go help.”
“Where is he?” I asked groggily, as
I jumped out of bed.
Thulu was instantly awake beside me,
although he didn’t seem any more alert than I did.
“Back porch.” Parker enunciated
each word in slight exasperation. “Go, please!”
Thulu looked at me, and I told him what
Parker had said. Thulu can read lips, but even with a night light the
room was too dark.
Thulu threw off the sheet and we both
ran from the room. I was briefly glad we’d been wearing PJs.
Heart pounding, I took a few precious
seconds to check on our three year old son, Carter. His night light
showed him blissfully unaware of anything. Whatever happy dreams he
was having made him smile slightly in his sleep. I sighed in relief
that he wasn’t having another of his nightmares.
Downstairs, Thulu had turned on the
kitchen and porch lights. In spite of the panic moments before, none
of the three people on the porch seemed frantic when I joined them.
Thulu looked relieved, Reo was on the
floor, but seemed stoic, and Sloane knelt beside him, brow furrowed
only slightly in concentration as he dealt with the wound.
My heart rate slowed down and my own
fear started to slowly dissipate. My heart gradually dropped from my
throat back to its accustomed place in my chest. Still my hands were
shaking, and I felt the slight chill from outside. The porch was
screened in, and the late August day had been hot, but the night
brought a cool breeze that made its way along my arms.
The scent of flowers from the backyard
didn’t quite mask the smell of the blood that pooled on the porch
floor around Reo. Sloane, his partner and an elf, had already removed
Reo’s jacket and shirt. A bullet lay on the floor, and I could see
the shoulder wound was already healing and closing up. In a few
moments, only the blood would remain as evidence that he’d been
Reo's face was white. The strain showed
around his brown eyes and his handsome face had the sheen of sweat on
it. His short brown hair that was usually spiked, lay damp and flat
against his head, but he gave me a shaky smile.
“Bastard ruined my favorite jacket.”
What are your future plans for your
series? Are you cooking up a new one?
I’m currently working on Book 3 and
no idea if this will tie up the series. I suspect not, though. I am
going to be working on a new series in 2014. A sci fi series.
Some fun stuff:
Coffee, Tea, or Something Harder?
Something harder.
If you were a rock star, what
instrument would you play?
If you were stranded on a desert
island... would you hope that Johnny Depp, Hugh Jackman, or Gerard
Butler was stranded with you (if hubby/boyfriend decided to stay home
while you cruised, for me, not likely, lol, but I'd have a hard time
Hugh Jackman – stage and film actor,
sings, dances, acts. No contest.
Cake or Ice Cream (or both, what
Ice cream! Caramel.
Favorite all-time read? Movie? Favorite
banned book? (Mine's To Kill A Mockingbird)
I have to go with a series, George R.R.
Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire. Movie - I don’t have a
favorite out of the series. There are too many choices. Banned - I
actually had to look this up because I had no idea what was or wasn’t
banned. I guess the most recent one would be The Hunger Games.
I found it interesting that was even on the list.
Favorite paranormal creature? (vamp's,
always vamps, lol)
This would be so much easier if it were
magical. Lol. Paranormal…hmmm…maybe shape-shifter. The obvious
answer is vampire…but not if it’s the old kind. I much prefer the
newer versions. So yeah, shape-shifter for me.
If you were going to pick a book/movie
character to become...who would it be?
I’m actually quite happy being me, so
this is always a tough question for me. If it was temporary, I’d
choose Ramoth, the gold dragon from the Dragonriders of Pern series.
You know that meme? “Always be yourself, unless you can be a
dragon. Then always be a dragon.” Yeah, I could handle dragon for a
Secret desires?
LOL, then they wouldn’t be secret.
Okay, okay. Here’s an open secret. I’d like my books to do well.
Thanks so much, for letting me stop by,
Dottie! It was a fun interview!
Thanks for stopping by today, Maer!!
Where you can find Maer..:
Maer’s Website:
on Amazon - http://www.amazon.com/Maer-Wilson/e/B00CDX29YW/
Maer on Facebook:
Maer on Twitter:
at Goodreads -
at Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/maerw/boards/
Relics at Goodreads:
Relics Kindle at Amazon:
at Amazon
“Unwanted Ghost” (A Thulukan
Chronicles Story, #2) -
for Portals
angels, psychics, and a myriad of other magical folk (and their
problems), Thulu and La Fi return in Portals to find a kidnapping
victim, and maybe just save the universe as a side job. Maer Wilson
does a beautiful job of painting their world, weaving a mystery, and
sprinkling on a touch of humor in her sophomore fantasy. Such a fun
escape!" —LynDee Walker, bestselling author of the Headlines
in High Heels Mysteries.
Has part of Maer's blog tour, she's having a giveaway! Check out the information below!
Giveaway - Rafflecopter
A chance to win one of these prizes:
1 - $10 Amazon Gift Card
1 - $5 Amazon Gift Card
3 – eBook Bundles of “Ghost Memory”
and “Unwanted Ghost”