Why the World Need Dads
Who will kill all the bugs?
Who will give me hugs?
Who will tell me it's alright?
and love with all his might?
Who was my original white night?
Who made everything right?
Who will be there when I'm scared
without a care?
Who will come comfort me,
love me, kiss my skinned knee?
Who will give me away,
on that very special day?
Who will be there when I call,
noon, night, all day?
Who will always be there?
A big lovely ole bear.
My dad, that's who,
and he hasn't a clue.
I love you Dad! Your number one daughter.
Who will kill all the bugs?
Who will give me hugs?
Who will tell me it's alright?
and love with all his might?
Who was my original white night?
Who made everything right?
Who will be there when I'm scared
without a care?
Who will come comfort me,
love me, kiss my skinned knee?
Who will give me away,
on that very special day?
Who will be there when I call,
noon, night, all day?
Who will always be there?
A big lovely ole bear.
My dad, that's who,
and he hasn't a clue.
I love you Dad! Your number one daughter.
Happy Father's Day to the guys Dottie!
Hi Lea!
I wanted to wish all the dads out there a happy and wonderful Father's Day!
Dottie :)
Happy father's Day!
Srange how Mother's day is the same weekend, but for us father's day is in November.
Happy Solstice too, this was more something we celebrated this weekend...well, ok old pagan celebration now taken over. Something to do with John the Baptist? Should check that, lol
Hi Blodeuedd!
Yes, Happy Father's Day (well, in November for you) and Happy Solstice!
Very few celebrate solstice here, pagan and all, usually likely celebrators will be on the Wiccan persuasion. LOL.
Laurell K Hamilton is talking about it on her blog, as are some of the other urban fantasy/paranormal sites. I just like the idea of solstice.
I hope you have had a beautiful Summer holiday. We don't have that here with the exception of vacation time taken by many in the summer months. But, seeing as how you have to earn it with years of service or as part of the wages, it makes it harder to be grateful for it. It takes a long time for the get to four weeks of vacation time her (what is recommended for someone to relax and rejuvenate). What about you? Does it take a long time to earn vacation time?
Dottie :)
Hi Lea,
Hm, I am only a little intern, just started so I have no vacation since I will only work for months. But I think it's a year, then you get your 4 weeks in the summer, and then there the winter holiday too. We do have a lot of holiday time to take out, and I love that. You need to unwind.
I always liked solstice, even if i am not celebrating it, but we do put up birch trees by the door for some reason. Pick flowers so you will dream of your true love. Well any Christian thing here is also very pagan...still haven't checked what they have to do with the day though
Hi Blodeuedd!
You are two funny! My hubs had to work 10 years, give a pint of blood, and kiss the boss' backside to get four weeks of vacation, still no winter break, and even though he is the boss of his office, has no control over pay.
People don't even talk about solstice here, it's like it's taboo or something. I never even knew it existed until I was older. Very hard line Christians here, very ridiculous about the whole thing. Probably have a cross put in our front yard for even mentioning it, too pagan for the locals.
Dottie :)
Haha, here we always mix pagan with Christian. My theory is that after the crusades (yup those darn swedes, Danes and Russians crusaded us)we fought and fought. the pope became very irritated with us. So when we finally gave in to become Catholics the king tells us that we are Lutherans. And we just said, whatever, and forgot about religion ;)
I do like my silly theory, lol
Hi Blodeuedd!
I love your little theory too!
I stick out like a sore thumb in little rural Sullivan, I don't go to church here, and the neighborhood empties out on Sunday, except for me. I leave it up to my kids if they choose to go to church or not, they've learned the basics, been to church and Sunday school, vacation bible study, and they are old enough to choose. They choose not to go, too much pressure to be like everyone else, and they're just not joiners. I think the American Society places too much emphasis on religion and being religious.
Dottie :)
Cute! The poem sounds like Shel Silverstein to me for some reason.
Hi Dottie,
from what I read and see that may be the case. Here you actually stick out if you do go to church. People look at you like what's wrong with you, lol.
Still we get married in church, baptism, confirmation, funerals, other than that...perhaps some go to check out the xmas mass cos it's pretty
Hi LadyTink!
Man, you just paid me a huge compliment! I love Shel Silverstein! Never even thought about it when I was putting down the words. I tend to write on the spur of the moment and hit the publish button before I can give myself a chance to chicken out, lol! If I didn't, I would be too embarrassed to let anyone else see.
Maybe it was the two line prose, I seem to remember that he's done some two line prose.
Have you read his polar bear or his room poem? I love them. I love all his work.
Dottie :)
Hi Blodeuedd!
I wish the US was more like that. I don't know when we became holy than thou, but it has happened and I have a feeling it's here to stay. lol.
You would think after the wildness of the 60's and 70's, but the US would have grown some, but we're still pretty puritan. Silly isn't it?
Dottie :)
Evening :)
I do hope we don't became like that, church is very boring. I had to go 10 times before my confirmation, and it was so early. no idea how people does it.
very happy with how things are :D
Hi Blodeuedd!
I am happy that you don't have to attend if you choose not to. Since I'm a non-attend, too, but I don't feel too bad about it. Most that do attend are just Christians on Sunday anyway. lol. I don't claim not to believe, I just believe it should be private. So believe or don't believe, no one else needs to know.
Dottie :)
Hi Dotttie,
I couldn't agree more, some things should just be private. Everyine has the right to believe in what they want, and no one should try to force anyone to do something they don't wanna :)
Hi Blodeuedd!
It just surprises me that many people don't feel this way. Who needs to know or should care? It amazing how many do though..lol.
Dottie :)
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