There are changes coming to Tink's Place!
Frequent commenter and great flash fiction writer, Carole Rae, is going to be lending a hand!
How exciting is that?? For anyone who's been missing flash fiction, Carole's going to be looking for incredible images (all free stock, of course, don't want angry artists visiting) and we're going to start having more regular flash fiction posts. Here's a peek at Carole Rae's cute avatar!
Fun times are coming, I can't wait to see what she finds!
Have a great weekend!!

Awww thanks Dottie! *Waves* Hi everyone! I'm so excited to be included in my favorite weekly meme ever. ^.^ If you guys have pictures you found and think they are FFF worthy or if you just want to say hi (or whatever) feel free to email me at Or you can come over to my blog and comment at Carole Rae's Random Ramblings
*waves* Maybe I will get my ass up from the sofa again
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