
Romance Reviews

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Crimson Romance

Crimson Romance
For the best in romance, from sweet to naughty!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Time Tripping to England by Morgan ONeill

Did you ever wonder how authors get inspiration for scenes in their novels? We, co-authors Cary Morgan Frates and Deborah ONeill Cordes, have used our actual experiences and things that happened to us and our family members, some of which occurred well before we were born. This became fodder for scenes in Begun by Time, the Prequel to The Thornless Rose. What time trippy fun!

English pubs and restaurants figure prominently in Begun by Time. Cary lived in London for a year and recalls several visits to a wonderful pub that has existed in the same spot since the 1540s. Atmospheric and inviting, she remembers having a pint or two on cold, damp days––or was that Scotch whiskey in the summer? She hopes to go back in the near future, perhaps to meet up with that special someone, a handsome man with deep blue eyes. And so, it seemed natural it should become our fictional pub, The Bishops Crook, where Jonathan Brandon (who also has blue eyes!) and our other characters meet their futures headlong––in the past.

One incident was passed down in Deborahs family. On a wintry day in the 1930s, her maternal grandfather came home with something hidden beneath his coat, a bulge in his breast pocket. Everyone assumed it was a bottle of “good cheer,” until it started to wiggle. Out popped the head of a dachshund puppy! Deborahs uncle, then a little boy, promptly called the pup Whiskey. The name stuck, and Whiskey became a beloved family member. Deborah incorporated some of this story into Begun by Time and The Thornless Rose, in the scenes where Dr. Jonathan Brandon gives a Christmas gift to his fiancée, Catherine, just before he vanishes. The amusing incident takes on poignancy as time goes on and Jonathan doesnt return, for Catherine realizes the dog was his last gift to her.

We hope you enjoy Begun by Time. Thank you––and happy reading!


Deborah O'Neill Cordes said... 1

Thank you, Tink! It is so much fun to write "what we know" even if it didn't happen to us in person. Dogs play a big part of my life and another touch was to put my terrier Duffy into Begun by Time and The Thornless Rose. What fun!

Unknown said... 2

Loved having you, Deb! I love terriers and love the role chiseled out for Duffy in this one!

More Romance Please said... 3

Thank you so much for hosting us today, Betty! We had fun putting this article together, and sure hope everyone had as much fun reading it. Thanks to all and happy reading!

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