Pages: 112
From the Cover:
BUILDING MAGIC: When architecture student and summertime welder Tina Moreland develops a reputation as a peeping Tom, it isn’t the first time she’s been teased for being different. Catching a glimpse of the man of her dreams is worth the aggravation. But when she witnesses him doing something stranger than stripping in his hightower office, it’s enough to make her forget that when working unharnessed on the fifth floor, the first step is a long way down.
Working in the human world leaves Devin Ken’Draga frustrated and exhausted. Things aren’t going well. Devin is the Kenta – prime dragon – in a world not far from earth, only a magical breath of flame away. It is a world that is having problems, and he is expected to solve them. The question is how. Civil war has shattered his land and destroyed his home. He can’t come up with an Answer, and the Elders can only tell him he will find what he needs on Earth.
Devin doesn’t have time to rescue a damsel in distress. But since she is literally falling at his feet, he can’t help but to save Tina. Bringing her home wasn’t part of the plan, but once they fall through the magical portal together, there is no going back. It is only when he spreads his wings in his true dragon form that Devin realizes something he hadn’t anticipated – the woman is a virgin, a temptation no dragon can resist.Tina Moreland is a frustrated iron worker and architect, frustrated because she's taken for granted by the men in her life, by the people who attend the university with her, even by her employer. She's been largely ignored and overlooked. She doesn't fit in, too tall, too smart, too hot tempered. She was orphaned young in life, so if she should disappear, no one would really miss her.
Devin Ken'Draga is a seudo-business man sent to the Earth bound realm to find a way to stop the civil war ripping his world apart. He's the Kenta of his clan and society, Dragon King, but war is ravaging his world. If he can't find a way to stop it, there won't be a home to return to. If only he can find the one thing he needs to stop the fighting, some magical source his for the taking.
When Tina spies Devin, as she's perched upon her skyscraper ironworks, in his daily ritual of escaping his clothing to reach out to his inner dragon and the magic surrounding him with fire at his fingertips, she has trouble believing her eyes. With one missed step by the red-headed iron worker, she almost plunges to her death, until Devin releases his dragon....
Building Magic by Lilly Cain is a dragon shifting pararomance, which at first glance, the reader isn't sure if it's going to be a happy for now or a happily ever after, because being dragon and the Dragon King at that, can Devin afford to make this human woman his Queen? When Devin saves Lilly, he drags her into his realm. The only problem is he wasn't supposed to return without the magic symbol, and the only thing he managed to bring back is a human woman, a tiny wisp of a thing compared to dragons, and a virgin as well. Her virginity alone can start battles, a source of magic by itself and much prized by his those of his world, and the last thing he needs is more fighting. But, soon, he realizes that this tiny human woman is more than she appears, and he just might have to claim her for his own.
Building Magic is my first novel by Lilly Cain and from Red Sage Publications, but I plan to read more. If I have any quibbles with this novella, it would be fleshing out the characters a bit more, because the characters are wonderful; powerful, sassy, engaging, and I would have liked to learn a little more, but that's also a quibble with novellas, short stories only reveal so much information. I would have liked to know what exactly Devin Ken'Draga did in his office besides stripping out of his clothing to reveal his gorgeous body. What was his cover story, so to speak? And Tina Moreland was always so awkward as a human, and orphaned as a small child, did she really belong in the Earth realm? But, not to worry, my imagination filled in the blanks, and not pertinent questions for this building romance. I would like to read more about Lilly Cain's new world, an exciting dragon society filled with violence and love, dragons were never meant to be gentle beasties. I definitely want more, I hope there's a Book 2! I recommend this book to lovers of dragon shifting pararomance stories, urban fantasy fans, and those who like a hot little romance, it will fulfill your needs, both with excitement and an sensually told love story.
Warning: A little explicit language contained within this erotic love story.
I was offered this ebook for review from Net Galley and Red Sage Publications. All opinions expressed are my own.

Dragons and their virgins ;)
Sounds fun
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