We're one day closer to Christmas and I'm still struggling with what to buy and for who!! Two shopping weeks left (that's a scary thought) and I've purchased two gifts..... out of about a hundred that I need, lol!
Since it's another Friday morning, it's time for the response to Monday's flash fiction prompt. Here's a peek at the lovely prompt by Fernanda Brussi from Monday.
The End of Wars
by Dottie Taylor
word count: 480
Camilla stood on the lush green grass of County Claire, home. After so many weeks of fighting, you'd think the grass would have bled to red. But that was the beauty of the land, so tolerant of man.
She turned and faced those kneeling before her, placing the steel on one shoulder, then the other.
“Sir Kellam, rise, you are knighted in the Queen's service.”
“Lady Cian, rise, you are knighted in the Queen's service.”
It was her right as the new Queen, replacing her fallen father, it was her honor to show them her gratitude.
“My Queen,” Kellam knelt once more, bringing her hand to his lips, “I fear our enemy is bracing for battle again.”
Camilla glanced around, could she ask the few remaining to die? It would be kinder to fall upon her own sword, ending the battle now.
She shook her head. “Kellam, I value your council, but we cannot sustain more fighting. Go, find our fastest stead, make your way to MacKelter, I wish an audience with the King.”
Kellam hard rode toward the enemy lines, bearing the scarf on his staff for all to see with the Royal Coat of Arms emblazoned on it to present to MacKelter, in hopes to stop the fighting. As he reached the line, it parted allowing him entrance, he rode straight to the encamp bearing the MacKelter insignia, and when he arrived, MacKelter himself waited to receive him.
“King MacKelter,” Kellam dropped to one knee, “my Queen, the Lady Camilla, seeks your presence in hopes to bring peace.”
“Aye, I'll attend your Queen directly,” MacKelter sneared, “as soon as I attend to you.” The King lunged at the young knight, but his reflexes were old, his senses mad with insanity.
Kellam reached for his blade as the old King fell upon him, driving the sword into the man's heart. It was over in moments.
A sudden roar rose up around Kellam, he was lifted to his feet, cheers followed.
“Long Live The New King!” Roared the crowd, King MacKelter's desire to bring death to the land had brought his own. His people were tired of the senseless killing, his cruelty and abuse.
As the new King, Kellam rode back to Camilla, bringing his subjects with him.
He dropped from his horse, coming to bow down before Camilla. “My Queen, I bring you greetings from the new King,” he grinned and brushed her hand with his lips, “my land, my people, for the peace Queen Camilla demands!” Camilla's eyes grew with understand, as a smile broke over her lips.
There were celebrations for three weeks; parties, feasts, the land had forgotten happiness, and at the end, a wedding, bringing Camilla and Kellam together, King and Queen, where they reigned, vowing to keep the land and each other. And they did for many years to come.
I really struggled with finding a story for this prompt, and in the end, it wasn't the story I had intended to write, I was going to write about the birds, the ocean, it was supposed to be bloody and destructive... I seem to do those so much better. LOL But this is where my imagination lead me, a sweet happily ever after... Sweet usually not found here....
Leave me a link if you're playing along, and I'll stop by to see where your imagination has led you...!
Remember to come back Monday for another edition of.....
Monday Morning Flash Fiction Challenge!
Ciao Bella!

Mine is up
Aww how nice and very sweet. We do need that too
I had the same struggle. I kept seeing Sean Connery and Richard Gere from First Knight. LOL
But in the end, I didn't write one for this picture.
I like your story. It's good to have a HEA every now and again.
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