So, after a late start (blogger was eating my blog this morning... it was nothing but code, lol)... I'm ready to post the Monday Morning Flash Fiction Challenge.
I've gathered up another one of the wonderful Michelle's images this morning.
(BTW, it's Michelle's Anniversary today, so make sure you stop by and wish her a happy one!!)
The image is wonderful, dark... well, take a peek and see what you think!
I needed a little taste of the dark, and this image more than delivers! Can't wait to see what kind of flash this image provokes!!
As usual, the rules remain the same. We have a roomy (sort of) word count of 350 (a little more or less is fine.... this is just for fun!), and if you'd like to play along, come back Friday and post your response to the image.
Leave me a link, and I hop on over to see what you've come up with!
Anyone who'd like to play along with us, please feel free to join, the more the merrier, tis the season to write flash fiction!! (trying to get in the Christmas spirit
See you Friday!

Blood, a gravestone, and birds, oh I can't wait! :D
Hi B!
I'll be waiting to see what you come up with!
Dottie :)
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