I've have a couple of flashes written, but honestly, I've been so busy trying to catch up from NaNoWriMo and Christmas.... I had to write FIVE freaking reviews this weekend. One more to go and about 50 books to read and I'll finally be up to date... sigh... And still editing this years NaNo MS. The story continues to draw me, though a few places still have a little drag (how to pep up??? I hate it when the story drags).
Anyway, it's time for another Monday edition of..... (if it posts correctly... is anyone else struggling with blogger??? It's really starting to tick me off!) Addendum: The freaking post didn't post at all!!! RRRR!! But, I checked it and I'm able to at least post manually... Some days... oh well...
Monday Morning Flash Fiction Challenge!!!
This weeks images comes to us from the lovely Blodeudd!! It's different from what we've had lately, I hope everyone enjoys it. I might struggle to write for this one *chews fingernail* but I'm going to give it a try!!
It's so interesting, and I really want to know her story. Is she at war, leaving home, just returning?? Lots of possibilities here!!
The rules remain the same, somewhere around 350 words, and come back Friday to post your response. But most of all, have fun!! As the fabulous Henri Matisse said "Creativity takes courage." Lets make this a courageous year!!

So dark, and she looks so tired, it will be interesting to see what I come up with :)
Happy New Year Dottie, congrats on a good start! LOL Hey I love that picture, maybe a good blog contest for someone to write her story huh?
Cheers! Hildie
Hmm, fantasy death feel to it for me. I don't know what I'll come up with. I might have to hit that dark place later this week and see what surfaces.
But I do love this pic!
I came across this from following someone's link and I thought I like to try. Here's my Flash Fiction post
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