Pages: 339
(Released Date: June 2009)
(all images and blurb from
(all images and blurb from

Meanwhile, Dr. Peter Gram, a psychiatrist at Newbury’s hospital, searches desperately for the cause of seven-year-old Naya Hastings’s devastating nightmares. Afraid that she might hurt herself in the midst of a torturous episode, Naya’s parents have turned to the bright young doctor as their only hope.
The situations confronting Leia and Peter converge when Naya begins drawing chilling images of murder after being bombarded by the disturbing images in her dreams. Amazingly, her sketches are the only clues to the crime that has panicked Newbury residents. Against her better judgment, Leia explores the clues in Naya’s crude drawings, only to set off an alarming chain of events.
In this stunning psychological thriller, innocence gives way to evil, and trust lies forgotten in a web of deceit, fear, and murder.
Dr. Peter Gram is just another one of the psychiatric fellows at Strauss I Child Psychiatric Unit at the Newbury Hospital, but his newest patient has him baffled. Why would a seemingly happy seven year old little girl want to jump off of a second floor balcony? Naya Hasting presents with exactly this description. Confusion reigns through his young doctor's mind and training.
Jose Rodriguez is the top cop in the small suburban area of Newbury. He can't believe what has happened in his sleepy little community. Who would what to kill and dismember a small child? The very thought of such a killer in their mysts sickens him beyond his possible belief. He has sworn to protect this community, and now he can't even imagine how. Beautiful and sweet, ten year old Janet Troy has suddenly meant that very fate.
Leia Bines, special agent with the FBI, is the agent called when things go very bad, and they don't get much worse than what has happened in Newbury, CT. Janet Troy went missing 10 days previous to her call to cut short her vacation and, upon her arrival, she is informed that a young girl's body has been found, matching her description. What she hasn't been told is the condition in which she is found. Could it be a serial killer is loose, reeking havoc upon the parents and children of this suburban community?
A Circle of Souls by Preetham Grandhi is a gripping psychological thriller combined with Eastern Mysticism that grabs your attention, making the re-evaluation of various legends, lore, and myths a possibility. Our story begins with Janet Troy who knows she should go straight home from school, but can't resist the temptation to explore, but her need to investigate leads to her ultimate death at the hands of a madman. Young Naya Hastings is an adopted daughter of a well to do happy family. All of her desires and needs are being meant. Yet, she has incredible nightmares that almost lead to leaping from a balcony, how can this be reconciled? It's up to Dr. Gram to fit these puzzling pieces together. With the help of Special Agent Bines, that's exactly what he does. With the help of Naya's Indian relatives, he is able to piece the story together with the past, the present, and the future. It leads him on an incredible journey that starts in 1967, on the date of his birth. How the events come together and the complete the story are fantastical and paranormal. Even though it goes against everything he believes, he comes to understand that there are things beyond explanation that happen in our lives.
A Circle of Souls is a story that leads the reader toward their greatest fear and every parent's worse nightmare, the loss of a child, especially to the fate that exists in this story. It is gripping, hair raising, and wonderfully told. The title of the this book, A Circle of Souls, aptly describes what happens within the pages, as one souls existence leads to another, a destiny continued. The cover art used describes the feelings and emotions conjured in the story, as well as location. This is the first book by this young author, but I have a feeling it will not be his last. I enjoyed the paranormal aspects of this novel and the ability of this author to create the need to believe in the unbelievable. This was a very quick read, it only took this reader just a few hours from cover to cover; I didn't want to let the story go. I was left with the desire to learn more about Naya and Dr. Gram, to see where their futures lead. To find out more information at Preetham Grandhi and his future books, please visit his website at I received this book as a request for review, and I will gladly read what this author produces in the future. This reader was left with the feeling a grateful satisfaction.

Great review! This sounds like a really good page turner! I got a little Stephen King-ish feeling from reading your review.
MsM So poignant Dottie. Enjoyed reading your review :D
Very good review Dottie! I don't normally read these types of books but this has really have caught my interest based on your review!!:)
please excuse my grammar.......I'm just learning how to speak and write! LOL should have said...
"this has really caught my attention based on your review"
not sure why I added the have in there where it doesn't belong!
Happy Saturday! :)
Hi Ms M!
It wasn't scary, but definitely goosebump giving. Steven King-ish, I like that! Very psychological, demands to be read once you've started turning the pages.
Dottie :)
Hi Leontine!
I liked the mixture of paranormal, eastern mysticism, and thriller. A very good quick read.
Dottie :)
Hi Blanche!
LOL! Just one of those days, can't seem to get my fingers to move across the keys in the right order either.
If you'd like a change of pace to a thriller, this is a very gripping read.
Dottie :)
Hi Dottie,
I hope you're having a good weekend :)
Nice review, sounds like a book that I know many who would enjoyt
Thanks for the wonderful and gracious review, I really enjoyed reading your review. Have a good summer.
Preetham Grandhi
Thanks for stopping by Preetham.I really enjoyed your book, thanks for offering it as a review.
I loved the paranormal aspect of this book, the cover art was great, and the title helps tell the story. Excellent read.
Dottie :)
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