I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! It's rainy here once again, so maybe a movie is in order. Who knows? Anyway, I hope everyone is enjoying this lovely Saturday.
I just wanted to do a quick post as I know several readers out there are fans of short fiction. I stumbled upon The Clarity of Night, and Jason Evans is offering a short fiction contest. So, for all the budding writers out there, here is an excellent opportunity for growth.

Now, down to business. Here's how the contest works. Using the photograph above for inspiration, compose a short fiction (or poetry) piece of no more than 250 words in any genre or style. After the contest opens, send your entry to me by email at jevanswriter at yahoo dot com before 11:00 p.m., Wednesday, July 15th (Eastern Time, United States). I'd prefer attachments formatted in Microsoft Word or Word Perfect (please see the format request below), but if you have something more exotic, you can paste the text into the body of an email. Each entry will be posted and indexed.
Now for the goodies. The following prizes are up for grabs:
* 1st Place: $50 Amazon gift certificate and a signed copy of RED-HEADED STEPHCHILD
* 2nd Place: $30 Amazon gift certificate
* 3rd Place: $25 Amazon gift certificate
* 4th Place: $20 Amazon gift certificate
* 5th Place: $15 Amazon gift certificate
* Readers' Choice Award 1st Place: $30 Amazon Gift certificate and a signed copy of RED-HEADED STEPCHILD
Jaye Wells, author of RED-HEADED STEPCHILD will participate in judging as well as offering her new book as one of the prizes.
Everyone that would like to participate, head over to Jason Evans' blog and check this out. I'm sure everyone will have fun! The link is http://clarityofnight.blogspot.com/, just click to head over.

Oh, thanks Dottie! I might have to give this one ago :). You never no, right? Are you participating?
I didn't notice a link to Jason's blog :).
Hi Amy!
I gave it a small try, but I think you have a better shot. LOL!
Dottie :)
Oh crap, sorry Amy, I linked the title, but forgot to mention. I just add the link to the bottom of the post. Sorry! *grinning sheepingly*
Dottie :)
What a great contest idea.
Hi Doug!
I hope you go over and enter, sounds like fun.
Dottie :)
Sounds cool, I must check it out. Thanks Dottie :)
Hey Dottie, well I gave it a go! I'm not so sure about me doing better than you, but i do appreciate the vote of confidence!
I didn't notice if he posted yours or not yet.
Hi Blodeuedd!
I think it will be fun to see what everyone posts. I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Dottie :)
Hi Amy!
Girl, you have a gift, use it! I love your writing, and you know I think you could really get noticed.
There's also another contest running, I look around for it again, I meant to keep the link, but I seem to have lost it. I'll let you know if I can locate it. I didn't enter it yet, no sure what they're looking for, but more than 250 words.
Dottie :)
Thank you :). I'm glad you liked it. I liked your entry too. Don't be so quick to pass judgment on your own writing! You're good!
You know, last night, I was thinking of how I could turn my entry into a short story. All these little scenes popped in my head and I think I'm going to add to it :). I thought I could explore his disfigurement and have them fall in love :). That's what it's all about, right? Love? :)
Hi Amy!
I can see where you're going and I think it could be something nice. His disfigurement leads to true love, how did he become disfigured? Why is she desperate for this job? So many questions could be answered.
Yes, I think love is the ultimate goal in everyone's life, even the characters we write. After all, they live through us and we live through them if only vicariously.
And we all want love.
Dottie :)
Hey Dottie!!
Thanks for the heads-up! Wow, you are so in tune with everything going on in blogland. I am so impressed, your blog is just awesome. :)
Wishing everyong luck who enters the contest!
Hey hon!
Just dropping in to say I've missed you, girl, where have you been?
I'm going off to the nationals this week for 6 days so I won't get back to you until Sunday.
Is everything alright on your end?
Cyber hugs
Hi Lea!
Are you going to participate? I sent a small entry in, it was kind of fun.
I don't often participate, but occasionally I give it a whirl.
Dottie :)
Hi Hawk!
Still having computer problem, sometimes it won't even let me make comments, open my email, and I'm still trying to fix it. I may have to re-install Windows, but I hope not. Still waiting for parts, thankfully, I can install myself. It's almost has all new parts anyway!
I should just buy a new computer, but really can't afford it right now.
Have fun at nationals (where is that at again, so much going on this summer, I can't keep track of it all!)
Dottie :)
I really liked this book too. My book True Love Is Not Common; www.eloquentbooks.com/TrueLoveIsNotCommon.html, has similar main characters. I grew up reading this author. Hope one day my book will reach many people as this author.
Thanks for the heads-up Peter.
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