I just thought I'd let everyone see the entry I submitted at The Clarity of Night Short Fiction Contest.
One Little Drink
by Dottie Taylor
“Come on, just one little drink, what could it hurt.” He encouraged, grinning wickedly.
“I never break the rules, and going to strange man's room for a drink is a big one.” I smiled shyly, desire to break the rules was never stronger.
“Do I look like a strange man, I've never thought of myself as strange.” He moved closer, brushing his hand over my bared shoulder and back, caressing lightly.
His touch sent shivers across my body, I rubbed the goose flesh. Suddenly, I heard my lips say the fateful words, “Okay, just one drink, five minutes, that's all.”
He grabbed my hand, smiling broadly, victory in his eyes. “What are we waiting for, let's go!”
I looked back at my friends as we ran down the hall to the darken walkaway that led from the atrium to the rest of the hotel, to the forbidden rooms. If I was missed, I was going to be in big trouble.
“See, that wasn't so bad.” He grinned as he popped the room lock, hurrying me inside to the waiting darkness. I turned into his seeking arms, his lips on mine, his hunger and desire throbbing through me.
“Where's my drink.” I whispered, heart pounding in response.
His lips grazed my neck as he softly breathed. “My drink first.” His teeth plunged into my flesh, drinking deeply of the one little drink that was me, the wine to quench his thirst.
Here's the one I didn't submit.
The Chalice of Life
by Dottie Taylor
The chalice was heavy in his hand, but lift it he must.
"I don't see why I have to carry this damn thing with me everywhere Mother." He was tired of the chalice, the challenge to his kingdom, the challenge to his existence.
"You just have to carry it until this year's birthdate, one more day, how hard can that be." She chided her young son. She would gladly relieve him of the burden, but his life depended upon his duty to the chalice. The old wizard had made it clear that it would have to be his burden, not hers.
As they arrived in the village, the young prince and his queen mother dismounted as he slung the chalice across his shoulder. It was a common sight to see the prince with the chalice, but soon it would change. Just one more day until his sixteenth birthday and the chalice would be no more.
With every step, the prince recited, one more day. As they rounded the corner, the young prince was set upon by a gnome, the evil minions of the deposed warlock king. The chalice was the object of the gnome's devious plan.
Quick with a knife, the gnome sliced the strap holding the chalice as it clattered to the floor, breaking into shards.
Strength suddenly gone, the young prince crumpled to the ground. "Mother!" The young prince cried out with his dying breath.
The queen mother spun around to her young prince as he struggled to hold onto the life that was slipping away. The chalice would hold the wine of life no more.
So, what does everyone think? You can comment on my story, One Little Drink, over at The Clarity of Night as well if you'd like and also see the other entries for the contest. It's my opinion that all the entries are good, but I'm partial to a couple, including one by our sweet friend, Amy. Her story, The Interview, can be viewed there as well, and I would say it's one of the best entries!
Go check them out, and there's still time to participate if you'd like, the contest is open until 7-15-09 11:00 pm est. So far, 98 entries.

DOTTIE!!! That's great!! You did a wonderful job!!! I wish you the best of luck with it!!
Oh Dottie!! That was fantastic.. both stories!!!~ Dottie I am wishing you the best of luck!!! **crossing fingers for you**
(((hugs to you)))
Hi Dottie,
I so need to do a feeble attempt to write something cos your two stories were great :)
I did enjoy the vampire one, good luck
Dottie! I loved that second one too. You know, that would make a really cool novella! Or something. I really like the idea of that!
Maybe I'll share my entry later :).
Oh Dottie!
Beautifully done. :) I love both of them, very creative. ;)
Good luck in the contest. I'll try and pop over there later. I want to read Amy's too...
One of the best entries?? Mine?? Oh Dottie, you are so kind! LOL
Some of them are a little on the dark and weird side, wouldn't you say? Watch, those are the ones that will win!
Hi Barbara!
Thanks! I kind of stumbled across this contest and thought I'd give it a try.
Dottie :)
Hi Blodeuedd!
Any don't you enter something, I know it would be great. I love to see what you could come up with.
Dottie :)
Hi Cecile!
I had fun with it, maybe next time I'll have more time, almost didn't do the entry. I don't know if I'm up for strangers seeing what I write, picking it apart. lol!
Dottie :)
Hi Lea!
Thanks Lea! I just thought I'd give it a try, some what I could come up with. Some of the entries are really good.
Amy's was wonderful, very visual, I really liked it.
Dottie :)
Hi Amy!
I told you that your entry was great! Very visual, makes you want to know more about the characters. I really think it would make a great book or novella. Interesting characters in that little bit we were given. Can't wait to see if there's going to be more.
You're right about some of the entries are very dark and weird. But then, so are some of the comments. LOL. But it was fun, wasn't it.
Dottie :)
You are a talented writer.....both stories are awesome!! Wow!! My fingers are crossed for you!!! :)
Hi Dottie,
A bit scared, but perhaps I can come up with something. I love to write, but my brain has been on vacation for like a year..oh and I have only written academic texts ever in English, eeek.
Hi Blanche!
Thanks sweetie! I just wanted to give it a try, see what I could do. I've never entered anything like it before, so it's a growth experience for me.
Maybe I'll have another, it was fun to enter.
I didn't know you were on twitter, I followed back! If you put it on your blog, a lot of our community also tweets.
Dottie :)
Hi Blodeuedd!
If I remember correctly, you played with us on Cecile's blog. Your input was good, I think you'd turn in a nice entry.
Wow, that quite an accomplishment, texts in English! I couldn't write in another language I don't think. I'm pretty good with Spanish, but I still have to translate in my head, then try to convene the message, pretty sloppy usually. Just ask my daughter. She takes Spanish in school, and cracks up over some of my mistakes. So embarrassing!
Dottie :)
I did it...please do not read it, lol, I wrote it while watching Torchwood earlier today.
I can write in Swedish, but in English, well I have only written long boring papers on how translations differ in Lord of The Rings, the hidden meaning in commercials. You get the idea, uni stuff, where you have to be strict and boring *coughs*.
But it was fun, and I mean it wasn't easy to write in Swedish either after 5 years of boring papers on academic stuff. So just gotta get used to it all
Blodeuedd!! Are you out of your darn mind?? Of course we're going to read it!! That is so awesome that you did one too! I'm certain it is going to be wonderful.
I agree with Dottie, you did contribute to the story over at Cecile's and you did a great job! I remember thinking, "Well, shoot, Blodeuedd can write!" It was fun!
Hi Blodeuedd!
I'm so excited! Of course I'm going to read your entry! It will be great!! YAY!
Did you write under your blogger name or your name in RL? I can't wait to see it posted!!
Dang girl, you should get extra points just for being able to submit in English! Woohoo!!
I'll be watching for your entry!
Dottie :)
Hi Amy!
Isn't it cool that Blodeuedd submitted too!
Man, I was excited with your entry and mine, and I can't believe another of our blogger buddies has participated with us!!
Can't wait to see her entry!
Dottie :)
I submitted under my real name so you can find me under Akerman :)
Dunno when it will be posted there though.
Oh no, I hope you will like it. I am terrible with critic. I really should learn to take it.
And I submitted such a strange story, no idea where the inspiration came from. I just started writing.
Thanks Amy, so sweet.
Lol, extra points, no, if I am able to write long boring texts in English then I should be able to write a short story.
Dare not go back there now, well tomorrow to see if it's up
*hides under the keyboard*
Hi Blodeuedd!
I was over reading some of the comments under the original contest post and Jason Evans is about all caught up with posting entries, I think your entry will be up soon. If there's only one more day to enter, I wonder if a bunch of entries will come in? I bet your entry will be up sometime this evening Eastern US time. I'll check periodically throughout the day to see.
Dottie :)
Hi Dottie,
Aha I see, I hope it got there, and I guess that it might come up while I am sleeping then. So tired right now so I will go to be early...well after I have been reading for a while.
Have a great day
WooHoo! If you haven't read Blodeuedd's entry, get over to Clarity of Night and check it out!
Great job Blodeuedd!
..oh no, it's up. Must head over then. I am always so embarrassed when I have written something
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