The Right Stuff is one of my all time favorites. Not only because, it was one of the first movies showing the hardship that the early astronauts had to endure and not only because it shows the trials and tribulations of the space program, but because it shows the love story between John Glenn and Annie Glenn. John Glenn won't let anyone tell him how to live or force him into a pre-determined mold, and for that, he is one of my heroes, and Annie Glenn, for her need for privacy, out of fear for her disability and embarrassing her hero husband, refused many interviews with some of the most famous and powerful people of the time, making her one of my heroines, not because of her fear, but because she stuck to her guns and no meant no. I have seen interviews with Annie Glenn, and I was mighty impressed. Excellent film with actual footage.
Race to Space is another favorite, focusing more on the space program, the initial start of the program with Dr. Wilhelm von Huber and his son. This movie isn't as factual as The Right Stuff, but it does give us insight into the hardships the young Wilhelm faced at school, being called a Nazi and at home with the loss of his mother, the struggles that occur. It also gives us insight in the Chimps in Space program that was used to prepare the space program to put a man into space. Excellent family film.
The Right Stuff
Release Date: October 21, 1983
Starring: Scott Glenn, Ed Harris, Dennis Quaid, Sam Shepard, Fred Ward
Genre: Action/Adventure/Drama
Race to Space
release date: March 15,2002
Starring: James Wood, Alex D. Linz, Annabeth Gish
Genre: Drama/Family
Man's First Step on the Lunar Surface
Neil Armstrong was the first man in our history to walk on the moon, July 20, 1969.
(Neil Armstrong)

(Lunar Lander)

It was an incredible time in our history. The US and Russia were in a tight space race, each taking unheard of chances. Many uncounted and unknown test pilots gave their lives for the progress of the space program. They will never reap the accolades or benefits of fame and notoriety. Without their sacrifices, the sound barrier would not have been broken, speeds to leave the atmosphere would not have occurred.

Buzz Aldrin's was the second man to step on the Moon, while Michael Collins remained on board the Command Module, orbiting the Moon.
(Buzz Aldrin)

(Michael Collins)

(Command Module)

(Headlines from the Launch)

Hey Dottie, I've never seen Race to Space but The Right Stuff is a favorite too. I haven't seen it in years though. One fine movie!
Great post Dottie!!
I love "The Right Stuff", too. I LOVE Sam Shepherd. :)
Wonderful seeing all the old photos and the newspaper memories.
Dottie!! Great post. You know, I haven't seen either of these movies. I did see Apollo 13--Neil Armstrong made an appearance in that, lol. What can I say, I have no control of the TVs in my house, lol.
Hope you're having a great day!
Hi Amy!
Race to Space is relatively new (2002) and I probably would not have watched if it hadn't been on HBO. After I saw it the time first, I knew it was one of the feel good movies that I'd have to watch again. HBO had it on again in the line up for the anniversay of the Lunar Landing.
Here's a bit of trivia I haven't shared too often. The first time I watched The Right Stuff, in it's entirety, was for a college class in my major, Speech Pathology. I studied Annie Glenn's stuttering disability. She has amazing coping abilities that have developed over lifetime. I am in awe of her. Stuttering is one of the disabilities that is almost impossible to overcome. It can remain throughout the person's lifetime.
Now, I have watched The Right Stuff too many times to count!
Dottie :)
Hi Lea!
I love Sam Shepard too (I have yet to see him in a movie I didn't enjoy), as well as Ed Harris, I loved him in Milk Money and The Abyss.
Sam Shepard played the part of Chuck Yeager to a tee. He was fantastic. Barbara Hersey was great as his wife.
You know, I was such a syfy fan as a child, I lived for this stuff, and couldn't understand why people weren't more interested. I imagined all the future space trips to come, life on the Moon, missions to Mars, flying cars.... still waiting for it all to happen.
Sadly, still beyond our tech means.
Dottie :)
Hm, have I seen these movies, I honestly don't know...nope can't say. But sure should.
I did see Apollo 13 but I am afraid I thought it was rather boring. but then again we saw some time after it came and I was to busy talking to a guy
Hi Barbara!
There are so many great movies surrounding the Apollo space program, Apollo 13 with Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon, Bill Paxton and Gary Sinise was fantastic! And it all really happened. I love the real life depiction of the astronaut's lives and families, and the prevention of the catastrophe that almost happened. The space program probably would not have survived two, not in it's infancy.
Tom Hanks created an imaginative piece in From Here to the Moon as well (HBO again).
Thanks for all your great pics Barbara, we really enjoyed them!
Dottie :)
Hi Blodeuedd!
Those pesky guys sure take up our time, don't they? LOL! Excellent excuse, I'm not sure any movie can compare to guy time. Let's face it, a movie can only give you so much, and lovin' ain't one of them.
It's a long movie, but excellent viewage if you like this type of movie. I've seen it a couple of times, but not recently. I really enjoyed it, not for the syfy value, but because it brought history to life so much better than the dull text books in school did.
I think you would enjoy Race to Space (family fun movie) or The Right Stuff - it was so funny, some of the things they endured and had to do, but some parts were emotionally wrenching too. I originally watched it to gain information about Annie Glenn and discovered I was missing a wonderful movie.
Dottie :)
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