Everyone knows of my love for vampires, right? I mean, hot and sexy, oozing pheromones that demand your attention, and their rockin' other worldliness. Is there anything better?
Well, we all know Marta Acosta's Vampire Wire, and Doug at SciFiGuy are great sites for information and they always have the best. So, Michele Hauf is creating a new site, Vamp Chix, to add to the fun for all things Vampirish. So if you know of great vampire book you'd like to see reviewed or if you have a great vampire review, please visit Michele's new site and leave her a comment or two! Easy peasy lemon squeezy! If you're a fan of vampires, then take a stroll on over and pay her a visit. Click on Vamp Chix and you'll be right there.
Right now, Michele is featuring Emma Holly's new release Breaking Midnight, a follow up to her Kissing Midnight set in the 1930's. Click on over and check out this new site!

Thanks for the heads up Dottie :)
I will go on over and check that out
Loving the ""Easy peasy lemon squeezy," girl you make me laugh!!!! Which is a good thing!
Thanks for the heads up about this. I really like the sound of this place!!! Yummy, delicious, sex on a stick vampires!!!! Oh baby, burn my buns and call me toast... I will be heading over there when I get home this evening!!
Hope you are having a wonderful evening!
Hello Dottie,
I went over and checked it out and joined as a follower. :) Thank you for the info - I love anything with vampires.
Hey Dottie!
Thanks for the heads-up, I will check it out when I have a moment.
So great of Ms. Hauf to do that.
Hi Blodeuedd!
She's just starting the site now, but I hope it takes off. Can't have too much vampires.
Dottie :)
Hi Cecile!
Laughing is always good!
Is this the last day of the old job?
It's always fun moving on and sad at the same time.
I hope you get to check it out, it's just starting right now, but I love vampires.
Dottie :)
Hi Michelle!
Thanks for joining, I hope it works into a cool site!
I'm with you, love anything vampires, LOVE IT!
Dottie :)
Hi Lea!
Loved your post btw! Who doesn't love romance? D'OH!!
Michele's new site is just starting out, but I think it will cover just about anything vampire. Can't wait to see what will go on there.
Dottie :)
Thanks for the tip on Michele Hauf's new blog site. I'm interested in most things in the vampire arena.
Hi Donna!
Glad to be of assistance! I love vampires, so I'm glad to see another site.
Dottie :)
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