I've received some beautiful awards in the last few days and weeks and I've been very lax about posting these awards. I've been sooo busy in the kids and generally not been in a blogging mood. So, I'm going to give out awards today too. It's been a wild day around here. And I'm so happy to receive Faeries Gone Wild plus I received an ARC of Vicki Pettersson's City of Souls to review. I will be hosting several contests here in the future, more information to come. (I know this is my fourth post today, but I keep coming across books and information that I want to share!) And since I haven't been blogging as much, I kind of feel guilty about not getting out here more.
From Lea @ closetwriter, I received The Little CJ Award:

“You have to award it to two people or I will make a voodoo doll of you and stick pins in it. Was that not clear? And, if those two people do not award it to two other people, I will make voodoo dolls of them, and stick pins in them.”
I'll name the two bloggers at a later date and hope the voodoo is too bad. Yikes! I can always sick the zombies on the voodoo priestess.
Also from Lea @ closewriter, I received the Angel On My Blog Award.

Oh, mama, I'm lovin' them nekkid buns!
From Wendy @ Wendy's Minding Spot (this blog name totally rocks as does the blog, btw, and I love Eeyore!)

1) Put the Lemonade Award logo on your blog or post.
2) Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude or gratitude.
3) Link to your nominees within your post.
4) Let the nominees know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5) Share the love and link to the person from whom you received your award.
And finally The Literary Blog Award

I received this award from Anna, Wendy, and so many others...I love this award best of all, it means so much to receive this award. Thank's to all my blogger buddies.
And I have two other bloggers to Thank, Cecile and Blodeuedd.
Cecile, you are so funny and sweet, I'm so glad you've joined the blogosphere. You brighten my day. Cecile has shared her awards with her blogger buddies. Ginormous Thanks for all the sweet awards and the cookies, the flowers, and the Princesses.
Blodeuedd, I love how you always make time to stop by, sometimes I have insomnia and Blodeuedd comes and chats, of course it might be 3 AM here, but it's when she has free time in the middle of her day. I've found some really cool information about a land that is so far away. Again, Blodeuedd has shared all of her awards with her blogger buddies. Gigantic Thanks Blodeuedd!
Lea, Barbara, Blanche, VFG, and Anna - thanks so much for welcoming me into little group of bloggers. I love blogging and you guys have made it so much fun. You are all so sweet and funny, you can crack me up! Lea likes to make me work and read all kinds of romance, Barbara makes me want to read historicals, VFG - the Brotherhood, Blanche - comtemps and really hot cowboys, and Anna - just wow, have you seen how many books this girl can read? I also want to give a special thanks! to Anna. Anna, your contest rocks! Thanks Anna! I also want to thank Amy, she's reads some to the best fantasy romance that has that extra little kick and some of the best recommendations! Thanks Amy!
Wendy as I said I think your blog totally rocks (I will always have a soft spot for Eeyore)!
SciFiGuy and Darque Reviews - I loves these blogs, so much info about some really great reads. If I have an urban fantasy or paranormal question, these bloggers have the answers.
HAWK - Man, you always make me think, and sometimes the rusty wheels of my ole brain just don't want to turn. Thanks Hawk for all your beautiful words! (and thanks for the Friends Award as well!)
One last thing and then I promise to stop and be good until tomorrow. I'd like to thank DeSeRt RoSe, Alaine - Queen of Happy Endings, and Teddyree - you guys rock, always have something nice to say and you're the goddesses of awards. Thanks ladies!
And thanks to all the great authors out there, without your brilliant words, I would be lost.
I'd like to share these award with all of my friends.
I've asked Tink share a little love with all my blogger buddies for making blogging so much fun!
(this beautiful Tink is from photobucket and dawnette3)
Congrats on your awards, Dottie!! You're very deserving :) And thank you so much for your sweet words! I'm so happy to have found your blog!!
Congrats, so well deserved. I love coming by your blog to see what you are up too. And I am happy if it gives you something to do when you're not sleeping :)
I am very happy to have come across your blog.
Though I always do wonder what you girls are up to when I am asleep, lol.
Hi Barbara!
I'm happy to have discovered your blog as well! I might not have tried historicals again if I hadn't:)
Thanks Barbara!
Dottie :)
Hi Blodeuedd!
I have insomnia just a few times, but it so boring to sit up at night. A lot of times, like now, one of my kids will get me to ask a question or something, but they don't realize that when they wake me up, I'm up until I get tired again. Usually, it's to ask if they can have a drink or something to eat - why do they do that? I'm just going to stick a note on the frig that says 'Help yourself'
...lolol. Then, I glance over at them and they're asleep usually before they get a drink or whatever else they wanted.
I'm happy to have found your blog too, so interesting talking to others, especially from so far away.
While you're sleeping, most of us are probably doing boring stuff like working, lol. Since most have internet access at work, we can even get online during those hours though too (I mean during breaks and lunch in case the bosses is reading this...lolol..)
Dottie :)
Hi Dottie,
Congratulations on your awards!
(((((HUGS))))) Dottie:
Thank you for your sweet kind words. I am so grateful to have found your blog too.
You rock girl!!
Congratulations on all the blog awards - you are so deserving...
Lol, yes I could get online during breaks too. But sadly no more since I am not by a computer any more...not that i of course blogged during work hours *whistles*
Awwww *sniff sniff* ((((HUGZZZ)))) Dottie, you are to kind! You are absolute a doll to have as a friend! I am glad that I started blogging because I have discovered a world of new friends. And you are right... some of us are countries away, some states.. but it doesn't matter because we share the same passion - books! It is cool to learn about our friends and their land as well as what they are reading.
I love coming to your place... its like going over to a friends house!
You guys rock! I have said it before and it is the truth.. I am glad to have friends like you!
Dottie! (((hugs))) I love blogging with you too girl! The Brothers are calling you.... LOL!
Congrats on all your wonderful awards. :)
(((hugs))) VFG
You totally deserve all these awards girl! Your blog rocks and I love Tink as well ;)
Thanks for your kind words, your posts always make my day!!
Hugs, Wendy
Hi Amy!
Thanks for your wonderful recommendations!
Thanks Amy!
Dottie :)
Hi Blodeuedd!
You are so funny! No, the bosses probably would not be happy with blogging during working hours. No way would any of us do that! Nu-uh!
(at least we would wait until their backs were turned!) LOL!
Dottie :)
Hi Lea!
I'm so happy I discovered you on the blogosphere! You were the first person I met here. It has been a lot of fun, I really hadn't tried much romance since I was but a wee one, well, at least 15 or 16 years old. I was pretty hardcore romance then.
You rock too Lea!
Thanks Lea!
((((giant hugs))))
Dottie :)
Hi Cecile!
I so glad you came by and started blogging, it's been so much fun, hasn't it.
I love hangin with everyone and sharing the love we all have for the wonderful books that authors give up everyday. Getting to know people from a few states away or halfway around the world...totally awesome.
I love your blog and how you crack me up! You rock Cecile! And your daughter is as cute as a button, I love when she blogs with us too.
((((huge hugs))))
Dottie :)
You know, I've always loved to read, but I learned so much by blogging with everyone.
I've found new authors (JD Ward) and new blogger buddies who share my interests. It's been so much fun!
Thanks VFG!
Dottie :)
Hi Wendy!
I'm totally into your blog, I love it. I love the little Eeyore, he was always my favorite! So sweet and cute with his little pin on tail!
I'm glad I found your place!
Thanks Wendy!
Those are some awesome awards...Congrats to you sweetie. xoxox
LOL, hum, I make you think huh? Well, I can't help it...I have all these strange things in me brain and I've got to get them out or my head will explode green clovers all over the world...and I just know you'll all be pointing at me for the mess!
But, if I get it out in wee bits no one seems to notice a stray clover here or there. *G*
I agree with each of you...the best thing about blogging is having found friends like each and every one of you!
Each of you special in your own ways...each of you with voices I look forward to seeing as much as possible and miss when you forget to drop by!
And the fun in teasing you all from time to time...I love and adore my cyber friends and all their intersting blogs...each so different, yet, the same in kind hearts.
Blodeuedd...when you're sleeping - we're talking about YOU...but the only things we can think to say is how much we adore you! ;-)
Cecile - I feel the same way about Dottie. A true friend and a kind heart for sure. Naturally her blog is going to be as awesome as she is.
Dottie...You are very much adored and loved by all of us...
But this is not going to get you out of my contest...So, where's your heroine/hero?
Cyber hugs
and thank you for the kindness you've shown me and the friendship we share....I have been blessed for sure.
Super Cyber Hugs
Hi Hawk!
Thanks for all your kind words, you're so sweet!
And damn, you're not going to let me out of that contest, are you? lolol..
All right, I'm building a hero right now....see....lolol!
Dottie :)
Dottie you are awesome and thanks so much.
Hi Doug!
And so are you, Kudos on a great site!
Dottie :)
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