Okay, I'm stuck, bored, bothered, whatever, I know I should be working on my word count (35000/50000 15000 words - 30% - left to go until the finish line)....so instead I checked my email, and this is what I found...... I can't freaking wait for this movie!!! I got a big chuckle out of this, the end is priceless!!!
Hi Dottie,
Thanks for that :D
I love, love spoofs. They are the best really.
I will have to watch this when I get home!!! I can not wait till I get to go see the movie... I am not sure when... but soon... very soon!!!
Oh Dottie... come on, let's rally the troops up and kick this stories butt!! You can do it!!!!
Hope you are having a great day!
LOL The spoofs are so funny!
I too can't wait to see New Moon!
Great spoof! Too funny!
Your not far from finishing, looks like your word count is moving along wonderfully.
Hi B!
I loved this, I opened my email to this and cracked up!!
Dottie :)
Hi Ms M!!
I know, this one was priceless, lol!!
I can't wait to see New Moon either!!!
Dottie :)
Hi Cecile!!
I hope you enjoy it, the end is too funny!!!
Can't wait to see New Moon!!
Dottie :)
Hi Donna!
It would appear that I'll meet the goal, too bad so much to edit out, lol!!!
I'd like to say it was a lot of fun, (okay, maybe a little fun) it does force you to write everyday, taking a day off is detrimental!!
I did love this spoof, it's one of the best I've seen, there are several floating around out there.
Dottie :)
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