They were so young, babies really. Mom and Dad met at a party, and it became love. Mom was 19 years old and Dad had just returned from Korea, a whole 22 years old. He quit high school, took the equivalency test, and lied about his age so he could go. Mom had lost her father when she was 14 years old, she, her mom and brother had kind of a hard life. My grams who hadn't had to work, started. Mom found a job, and together, they took care of her younger brother. My dad had been helping his family for years. First he worked with my grandfather, running a heating and cooling service. When my dad was a teen, his father contract emphysema, probably from the Asbestos, but who knew what that was back then. Every year they would say how bad he was, and every year he continued to survive. Then came the army, where he would send part of his pay home to help his folks. My dad is the youngest of six children and several foster child were included in his family, Aunt Lois, Betty, Debby, Uncle Bruce, Ron, Bill. My dad lost Grandpa when I was 14 years old. All that's left are Debby (adopted sister, now the youngest) and him. Now, both of my dad's parents are gone, Grandma passed just a few years ago. I know it broke his heart, he did his best to take care of them. My mom lost her brother last year. My mom's stepdad has now left as well, but my grams is still feisty, I just wish her health was better. Grams still has a sister living in Arizona, they're hardier stock, living through the depression as they did. My parents have now raised their own family, seven of their own children, and fifteen grandchildren. But they're still there if I need them, still call if they need me. And my siblings still make me call my parents when they want them to do something because my dad can rarely refuse me.

I love you, Mom and Dad. Thanks for all the good times (which were many), the bad times (which were hidden from us), and for everything in between. I know that with seven children, life wasn't as easy or as wealthy as some or maybe not as fun either. But there was always excitement, always something happening, always a whirlwind of activity, and always love. It was never boring, I learned to change diapers by the time I was 10 years old, how to warm a bottle, and when to sing a lullaby. I held my sisters hands and played. My brother, our protector. And I wouldn't want it any other way. Happy 50th Anniversary!
Love You Always, Forever and A Day,
Dottie Ann
Happy Happy 50th Anniversary to your parents Dottie! What an amazing story and I love the picture you shared! How special for all of you!! the new look of your blog! Lea is fantastic!!
Dottie this is an absolute wonderful post to your parents!!!!!!
It is an amazing love story!!!!
I love the pic. Wedding pictures are just great!
Lovely post Dottie.
What a story, and 7 kids, they had their hands full
Great post, Dottie! Happy Happy 50th Anniversary to your parents!
I love her dress :)
What a wonderful tribute. We get married later in life now & 50th
anniversaries will be quite rare.
Sounds like your parents had their priorities straight & one of their successes was you. Happy 50th to them.
YES! I love the new look and color to your blog! Awesome job Lea! WooHoo!
Dottie! The post is heart touching...beautiful story! And I love the photo!
Hi Blanche!
I just couldn't let their 50th go without celebrating it a little here, I couldn't get to Springfield in the middle of the week, so a phone call and a blog post will have to do for now. My sister posted their picture in the paper and my dad was excited, lol. It amazes me how he can still be excited. LOL
Dottie :)
Hi Cecile!
Thanks! I just had to celebrate here a little myself, lol. Couldn't think of a better way.
Dottie :)
Hi Marianna!
Thanks, I never realized how pretty her dress was, had to post and at least celebrate a little.
Dottie :)
Hi B!
Yep, I come from a huge family, and I would want it to be any other way, lol. Like I said, it was never dull!
Dottie :)
Hi Host!
I haven't seen the pictures in a while, but her dress is beautiful, I never realized until I looked at the picture again. They look so young.
Dottie :)
Hi Mary!
Thanks, my mom, dad and all my siblings and I are very close, I talk to them all the time. LOL If we wait too long, start having withdrawal. A lot of people don't understand what it's like to have close family ties in this day and age, but it's nothing I've ever forgotten.
Dottie :)
Hi Hawk!
I just wanted to celebrate with them seeing how I couldn't be physically there. LOL Though I've seen the picture many times before, I'd forgotten how young they were, and how special it was.
Thanks sweetie! Lea did a beautiful job, she's so talented and too sweet and kind.
Dottie :)
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