After a long weekend running around the state of Kentucky, we're finally home... And as much as I like visiting, I'm very, very glad to be home. Very tired as well, and guess what ladies? NaNoWriMo starts Tuesday!! Okay, so I'm going to post flash fiction images for the rest of November, but I can't guarantee I'll have time to participate. I'll try, but with NaNoWriMo, 1,667 words are the goal for each and every day. I've been doing some research for the topic of this years NaNo MS... I hope I'm able to write about the topic, I'm going a little outside my comfort zone with this one, LOL... hope I'm able to reach the goal this year. It's doubtful at this point though....
Anyway, back to the flash fiction...
At Ana's request.... I've tried to find something a, welll..., a little fluffy. Something not quite so dark, maybe something with a happily ever after? LOL Hard for me to do the fluff, but I have a few images, so today's one of those....
This is a Beth Fullaway image. Hope everyone enjoys it, and I hope it's fluffy enough, lol. It kind of reminds me of Rapunzel.... I wonder what kind of flash it will produce?
The rules remain the same, 350 words or something like that, and come back Friday to post your response!
Have fun!
I'll talk to y'all soon!
Well her hair is certainly fluffy, thanks for your efforts and good luck writing your NaNoWriMo novel!
Hmm, an older Rapunzle? hee hee. I don't know if I'll be joining this week. But do like the pic. :)
I am so bad! I have not written last weeks flash :/
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