I'm being a good blogger and flash mistress (lol, mistress....) by scheduling my Monday Morning Flash Fiction waaaay back on Wednesday of last week... (I think I just fell into some kind to time warp/quantum leap kind of thing....! My head is spinning.... my world is slipping away from under my feet.... oh, wait, never mind....) Anyway.. I'm easily distracted. I guess I'm like Kevin on UP.... squirrel!
Since I'm leaving for RT (yay me!) I'm getting the post done early. So, without further adieu or ballyhoo... It's time for the Monday Morning Flash Fiction Challenge!!
Today's lovely image is another fantasy image... this one is so different from others we've had lately, I had to give it a try.
It's kinda one of those fairytale type images... maybe a fairytale gone wrong or cracked?? I don't know, I'll let you decide or maybe you see something totally different...
I hope everyone enjoys it!!
(I'll be posting pic and news from RT in the evenings, and if you don't follow me on facebook, please do! I'll be posting pics directly to my facebook page. Going to be so much fun!)
Have a great week!
Ciao my lovelies!!
Pretty and dark, I like it.
I've been having to do that too...pre-posting posts. I've been a bad coconut for the last few weeks. Meh!
Anyways, I really REALLY like this picture. There are so many stories that could come from that. I'm dying to see what everyone comes up with. Good pick this week!
Hmm, I'm thinking of Blodeuedd with this image. lol.
I'm thinking on what to do.
Have a great time at RT!
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