I'm sorry, my posts got all screwed up, lol. Monday's post didn't go up, but the one I had scheduled for Tuesday did, on Monday, lol. Me + Technology = ???? I used to be able to hold my head high....
So, lets get right to it!
I had a different image scheduled, but I liked Carole Rae's so much, I'm using it instead. So, I guess the missed post of the other image was fortuitous?
So much going on!!
The rules remain the same, 350 words and come back Friday to post your response.
I was getting worried that your were going to abandon us this week! lol. It's okay, technology is like a stubborn old man you meet at a grocery store...he is going to win 99.9% of the time. ^.^
Awwww shucks...thanks for using this photo I found! It's just a lovely little piece of art and I thought that you would like it too.
Cool :) Creepy guy in painting watching, I like it
I hate computers sometimes, but I couldn't live without them.
I like the image. Maybe I'll actually manage to pull something together this week.
Oh I do like this picture!! A LOT! So much going on to write about. I'll be thinking on it tonight. :)
Hey! I have an award for you from over at my blog!!
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