Quite a busy day here at the Taylor household!! I started off the morning shopping, my 14 year old decided at 9:00 this morning that he wanted to be a 1920's gangster for Halloween, complete with Fedora, jacket and tie. Where are you going to find a suit jacket small enough or large enough without alterations to fit a 14 year old???? So we (Kirsten and I) head off to the thrift stores, because I'm also not spending a fortune on a suit jacket that he's never wearing again. Fortunately, we hit Walmart and found a Fedora in the men's department for only $10.00. Next, we hit the thirty stores, and on our first try, we found a small brown suit jacket that matched the Fedora perfectly, only $4.00! We left the tie for last because we were hoping to raid his dad's ties for one that would match and yet worn enough that it wouldn't be missed, found a perfect match and it won't be missed.
Kirsten finally decided to be a mouse or kitten, depending on what was still available. We checked at WalMart, nothing, a few pumpkins still available and some wigs, that was it. Next, the Dollar Store, they didn't even have any candy left!! As a last resort, we went to the Mall. Should have started there! At Claire's, we found adorable mouse ears and headed back to WalMart where we picked up liquid and pencil eyeliner in black and brown so she could draw a mouse face onto hers. Too Cute!
And we still had to find candy. Back to Sullivan, and the local IGA, candy found and on sale. YAY!! Shopping complete (I even bought supper at the Deli).
Since I didn't have to cook, I spent the rest of my day and evening watching scary movies.
The movies that I perused today were:

Halloween (1978) - The original Michael Meyers fright fest. I couldn't believe that a little boy went crazy!! And grew up to kill again. I saw this for the first time when I was in high school. Screamed my head off, lol.

Halloween IV, The Curse of Michael Meyers (1988) - Not the finally installment, half-way through the series. This one has the little kids in it. Michael Meyers is now Uncle Michael Meyers, but still happily murdering his way through the movie.

Night of the Living Dead (1968) - The original zombie fest where a meteor smashes into Earth releasing a virus that brings the dead back to life, infecting all they come into contact with. The final scene, the lone survivor from the zombie attack is shot and killed by his would be rescuers.
Psycho (1998) - Vince Vaughn's reprisal of the 1960 classic, just as freaky, just as murderous. He appears so normal, who knew Mom lived on as a corpse? Who knew that Vince Vaughn would be so believable.

The Witches (1990) - Witches take over a small resort village in England, determined to turn the world's smelling children into mice, and the tables are turned on them. Parts of the movie are filmed in the Netherlands. Angelica Huston is quite convincing as the evil leader in this YA fantasy.

Bram Stroker's Dracula - Okay, I only watched portions of this movie because I wanted to be able to sleep at night, lol. This movie freaking scared me to death when I watched it back in 1992. Still gives me nightmares. Excellent rendition of Dracula, sexy, frightening, and deadly.

American Werewolf in London (1981) - Halloween just wouldn't be complete without a few werewolves. In this original, the prey of the werewolf never die, but live on as ghostly apparitions to torment the would be werewolf, until he gives in, sacrificing his life to release them from their ghostly ones.

Scream (1996) - The original gore fest where Casey and her boyfriend are sliced and diced, along with nearly everyone in the movie. Sidney just can't catch a break, first her mom's murdered, her father disappears, her bestfriend is eaten by a garage door, and her boyfriend, Billy, is a bad, bad boy. Again, I only watched bits and pieces, it's an awfully messy movie! This one I had to leave and come back to.
Most of these movies were on AMC, CHILLER, and SYFY, but I did order a couple on demand.
During the movies, I saw numerous treat-or-trickers, took a few pictures of my kids and their friends, and made popcorn and cookies.

How was your evening? Was it witching?? Ghostly??? Heaven forbid, Sexy Vampirey???
Hi Dottie
Nice pics :)
Seems you had a busy day, but I am glad you found everything.
Bf and I went to his parents cos he had some fixing to do with his car. And after dinner we went to the cemetery they have, all woods, no lights, and then candles on all the graves. Really beautiful. His mum lit some and then bf and I went home to town.
Where we watched 30 days of Nights, and pigged out :) Not as near as scary as my Bloody valentine yesterday
Oh Dottie...your kids look soooo cute! I love the pictures!
WoW - how did you get so much packed into one day? And I thought my days were packed.
I spent Samhain/Halloween working on my latest wip (about a witch) and then at the last minutes Hubby said we were entering our 1930 ford Vicky (Hot rod/street rod) into a halloween car show - so I had to rush around to get things ready for that.
Car shows here last a long time - 3 to 9 p.m.
We got to the show, got the car ready and when my M-I-L showed up we hung out there for a wee bit then she and I left around 5 to come back to my house to feed and walk my dog.
Then we waited for trick or treaters...only had a few this year. But had some real cute ones.
While we did that I had her read parts of my wip and got feed back from her. This time I'm writing a smiple one line plot (easier to sell)
Then by 7:30 we went back to the car show to find out me hubby had won "BEST OF SHOW".
Then we came home walked the dog, ate a very late meal, called me sis who was just starting her Halloween night - wished her a happy holiday and then I worked a little more on the wip.
I changed the clocks back and headed for bed.
It was a long day and I didn't get as much writing done as I had hoped. But it was a good holiday.
Cute pictures! :)
I handed out candy to the kiddies. I did what some Halloween movies too. Gotta love Michael. LOL!
Looks like you have traditional evening of Halloween movies. Love the pictures of your kiddos. :)
My evening was quiet. We live out in a rural area so we don't get very many tricker-treaters. We had a total of two!
Hi Dottie!!
Very neat pictures!!
We had a very quiet but boring evening! My youngest has been sick (again!) and my oldest spent the evening at Disneyland, so hubby and I watched tv (nothing scary) and that was pretty much it.
Hi Bloeduedd!
I watched 30 Days of Night just the other day, and talk about a gore fest!! I liked it, but again, very messy. I haven't seen My Bloody Valentine I don't think. I'll have to check into it.
Cemeteries at night, spooky. But I bet it was cool with candles lit, I still would have been scared, I'm such a chicken.
Dottie :)
Hi Hawk!
So cool, getting best in show! Woohoo!
Sounds like you had a good time, busy, but fun. Work some more on your WIP (Halloween and witches go well together!) after the weekend when things calm down.
((hugs sweetie))
Dottie :)
Hi Anna!
Would it be Halloween without Michael Meyers? Nah, had to watch at least a couple of his movies, AMC played 1-4, I believe my oldest has them all on DVD, but not as much fun. I switched back and forth between channels to watch others movies, so I missed 2 and 3.
One channel (I think Chiller) was playing Dracula all day. And AMC was playing Night of the Living Dead all day. I only needed to watch them once though, lol!
The kids were cute, couldn't believe they went tricker treating.
Dottie :)
Hi Donna!
The small town we live in allows the kids to trick or treat on Oct. 30th and 31st. My son worked at our haunt house on the 30th (a big majority of the freshman volunteer at the haunted house and all the money raised goes to charity). He said they had 500 people go through that night, so they raised about $5000. He worked on the 31st too and about the same number go through. I kind of glad that Halloween is over, he's either been at band or Shotgun Manor every night except of Wednesdays. Apparently his girlfriend (eek!!) worked there too.
Dottie :)
Hi Blanche!
There's a lot to be said for a nice quiet night at home.
Too bad your son was sick, but it is the season for it. Hope he feels better soon! Kirsten and Patrick have both been sick with the flu already. It was running through the school here.
((hugs sweetie))
Dottie :)
Great pics! Looks like a fun time!
We went to West Hollywood celebration. What an experience. the costumes were awesome!
Hey Dottie, sounds like you had a busy day chasing all your bargains down (well done) and a fun night. Great photos, your kids look so cool & thanks for coming by my blog and checking out the photos of Ant's Halloween 18th. It was such so much fun!!
It's probably the first time we have all dressed up since he had a halloween party as a kid and now I want to do it every year *grin*
Halloween is only just starting to take off in Australia. My 15 year old went trick or treating with some mates just before the party started and mostly he was told to get lost LOL. Halloween spirit still has a way to go over here :-)
Hi Alyssa!
Thanks for following back!
The kids had a blast, so glad it fell on a Saturday this year.
I bet it was cool in West Hollywood, great costumes! I would love to spend Halloween there one year!
Dottie :)
Hi Teddyree!
OMG! I can't believe someone told them to get lost. That is a toilet papering offense around here, lol. If I don't have or run out of candy, I start putting quarters in their bags. All the kids love cash, lol. I've only ran out once though.
Here, it a rule that you only go to houses with porch lights on, that way you know they're expecting trick-or-treaters. They even put the hours in the paper and ask that you only go to houses with lights on.
Just keep having your parties and promoting Halloween, it'll catch on!! I love it, the costumes, the kids, decorations, everything.
Dottie :)
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