Some may have noticed that I haven't been blogging much lately. I picked up a nasty stomach virus, and I have been sick for more than two long boring weeks. I've read a couple of really good books, only a few, because I felt so crappy I didn't even want to read!! LOL I know, I really didn't feel good. Just as soon as I thought I was better, I'd get sick all over again. Really a tough virus. But, I'm feeling like my old self now (really old, but other than that.....) and hope to resume by normal blogging activities. I tried to visit a few blogs, but I really didn't even feel using my laptop. Answering comments was a chore even, and I love comments! Luckily, I had some reviews completed, so my blog wasn't totally blank for those weeks. Sorry if everyone thinks I've fallen from the face of the Earth and orbiting somewhere in outer space. I'm really here and I'll have some reviews to post soon. Hope everyone else is doing great!!
Sorry to hear that you've been sick :(. But I'm happy to hear that you're feeling better now.
Ugh -- sickness is the worst, especially stomach viruses! Hope you feel better and stay that way for a long while!
I hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself. :)
Sending cyber hugs and chicken soup your way. :)
(((hugs))) Dottie!
I hope you are feeling much much better very soon!
Glad to hear that you are feeling better.....stomach viruses are THE WORST!
Welcome back!
Poor you! Bf had a nasty one that lasted a week, and he felt a bit weird a week after too. So I can understand what you went through.
Glad to see you back, but take it easy now
I hope you feel better soon!
Cute picture... I am sad you feel sick...
Ginger ale? Ginger Tea (Yogi organic) is wonderful and soothing... and help with nausea and re hydration. I love it.
Get well soon!
Sorry to hear you sick but glad to hear you are getting better!
I hope you get better soon!
I've missed you Dottie. Hope you're 100% soon.
Feel better soon Dottie! We will look forward to your return when you are feeling better.
Hugs to you honey! My prayers go to you for a healthy recovery! And for it to leave the house.... completely!!!
Well, all in all, I'm feeling better, but this virus really kicked my butt! I'm feeling much better now, but still not back into the swing of things yet, though I have scheduled some new posts. Hope everyone else is doing great!!
Thanks for all the good wishes!!
Dottie :)
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