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Crimson Romance

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Monday, February 7, 2011

Hunger Aroused by Dee Carney

Publisher:  Carina Press
Pages:  184

(Released:  November 8, 2010)

From the Cover:

Jasmine is sick in bed when a sexy stranger breaks in and reveals she's suffering an irreversible case of vampirism. And because her turning wasn't approved by the Council, he must kill her once the transition is complete. In the meantime, the executioner offers to ease her torment with chocolate, hot peppers or sexual release. Fortunately for them both, Jasmine's kitchen is bare...

Corin's honor demands he do his duty, but he cannot execute the lovely woman while any part of her humanity remains. He must also find—and kill—her sire. Jasmine denies ever having contact with a vampire, causing Corin to question the justice of his orders. Sensing his hesitation, the Council dispatches another executioner, forcing the pair to make a run for it.

Every hour they spend together—every sensual encounter they share—finds them growing closer. Now Corin will have to choose: kill the woman he loves, or go against everything he believes to set her free.

Jasmine has been taken ill, so ill she feels like she's going to die.  Little does she know, in a matter of a few short days, her illness may prove to be as deadly as she thinks it is.  Somehow, she become infected with the unimaginable, and there's no cure.

Corin is an executioner, and he's very good at his job, the Council calls him whenever there's a difficult job and someone as broken the rules.  But now he comes to question if maybe the rules haven't become arcane themselves, especially after he meets Jasmine.

Hunger Aroused by Dee Carney is a steamy paranormal romance that really heated up the pages.  As Corin passed Jasmine on the street, he scents the distinctive odor of a newly turned vampire, but no one has asked to turn a female... and the Vampire Council frowns upon having it's rule flouted.  The answer to the problem has always been clear, once the fledgling vampire has finished transition, the Council demands the death of the sire and the fledgling.  But, what if there wasn't any sire, what if it's an accident that should not have happened?  This is where we find Jasmine and Corin, fledgling vampire and vampire executioner.  But will he kill her or will he keep her, all to himself?

Hunger Aroused is an incredibly short read, approximately two hours of reading time.  This little paranormal romance was exactly what I needed for the chill of a winter's day. It was a fast read, a hot romance, and evil vampires ready to kill if necessary, and by the worse possible means. The Council is heartless, unredeeming, set in it's way and refusing to see the possibility of a sireless vampire. It takes Corin's promise to bring death, and away around it, to see the error of their ways. This is the first book I've read by Ms. Carney, but it won't be the last. Nicely told twist of the vampire genre, more than pleasing to my palate. If you'd like more information about Ms. Carney visit her website.

I received this ebook from Net Galley and Carina Press for review.  All opinions expressed are my own.


Blodeuedd said... 1

I do like twists, and that is not easy to do considering how many vamp books there are out there

Unknown said... 2

Hi B!

Surprisingly, I've read a large amount of new vampire genre stories since the start of the new year, and amazingly, a large number are a fresh twist on the genre. I know, I was shocked too! But, so far, I haven't read one that sounded tired or a repeat of what I've already read before, and I read a lot of vampire stories! I'm happy!

Dottie :)

D Carney said... 3

Thanks so much for the review! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

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