The Independent Film Channel is teaming with Lionsgate for a TV movie based on the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter books, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The project is the network's first-ever feature-length production and could be the basis for more Blake projects if successful.
In the books, Blake is a vampire hunter with a lousy dating life who also works as a police consultant investigating supernatural crimes. She attempts to come to terms with her own abilities and navigate romantic and political relationships within the vampire community.
The 16-books-and-counting Blake novels by Laurell Hamilton include elements familiar to fans of True Blood (vampires are part of regular society) and Buffy the Vampire Slayer (tough young female fights supernatural forces). The project will be adapted by Glen Morgan (X-Files, Final Destination), who also serves as executive producer along with Courtney Solomon (Dungeons and Dragons). IFC is targeting the movie to its core base of men ages 18-34 and plans to air the movie next year.
"The popularity of the network in this demographic indicates that there is a clear demand for films that delve into provocative topics, and nothing is more classically provocative than vampire lore," said Jennifer Caserta, executive VP and general manager of IFC. "Anita Blake fits perfectly with our successful original programming."
Laurell K. Hamilton's site has confirmed this information as true as well.
Okay, I am a huge Anita Blake fan!! I love all those vampire hotties and sexy shifters with hair so long and silky you could curl up in and Anita gets involved with each and everyone, and when the ardeur overcomes Anita--look out!! LKH writes fantastic paranormal/urban fantasy with a kick-ass herione, Anita Blake, and Jean Claude as her hero. But many characters have their own stories and books in which their stories are told, they all involve Anita as the heroine. And the Anita Blake graphic novels are just as good as the books.

Thanks to SciFi Wire and SciFiGuy.ca for relaying the news!
I hope the movie is as great as the books.
Dottie :)
I actually have Guilty Pleasures, Volume 1 on my TBR list... I figured I better start from the beginning when I do!! From what I have read about this series, it should be an awesome movie... I just can't believe there are 16 of these boooks!!!
Hi Cecile!
I've read the entire series, it takes a bit to get into, but when you do, look out. It's like a roller coaster, and as Anita begins explores her sexuality to try to understand her attraction to weres and vampires, the scenes get steamy.
Then again, vampires and were are my cup of tea, vampires seem to have all the fun!
Dottie :)
You telling me... Where is a good vampire when you want to have a good time!!! HHAA!!
Thanks for the tibit of info on the series...
Hi Cecile!
You're welcome! It's just another series that I really enjoy!
Dottie :)
Hey, Dottie! There's nothing better than being excited over an upcoming movie. I was like that for Twilight--which was targeted for younger people but I didn't mind.
I hope it meets your expectations!!
BTW, still no luck with Tink. I'll keep looking...
Bi Barbara!
I had no idea about the movie until I visited LKH's blog. I love her books, but they're definitely not for the faint of heart, wildy and steamy with everything in between!
So, I'm wondering how it will be represented in the movie, especially if the target audience is 18-34 year old males! Her books sells to a lot more women than men, so it struck me as odd.
Oh, thanks for looking for Tink, I've been looking too. Didn't know she would be so hard to find.
Dottie :)
Well... now Dottie... it is targeted to men of the ages of 18-34 because they dont read!! They need to see the action (or so to speak the woman) in physical form... not in words! That is why they are aiming it that way. But I agree with Barbara; I hope it meets you expectations!
Hi Cecile!
I hope so too. But with the target at men, I don't know. Especially as a TV movie, all the good stuff is going to end up on the cutting room floor. They don't put NC17 on TV movies :(
But I'll watch anyway, I love LKH too much not to, and I'll want to see what they come up with.
I loved what HBO did with the Sookie Stackhouse Series, so maybe IFC will follow the same type of layout.
Dottie :)
Hey Dottie!
I read about this on another blog. I enjoyed the Anita books up until Narcissus in Chains and then the clinical sex associated with "ardeur" finally got to me.
I really liked the first 6 to 7 novels though - good reads, I just... Yuck...
Warm Regards
By the way, if it involves the later books with "ardeur", it will be xxx rated! lolololol
I'm huge fan of all the Anita Books. I'm excited this is happening But It'll be interesting to see how they do it. The first 10books are pretty tame compared to the rest in the series. ;)
Hi Lea!
I agree that the ardeur (man, I really let that one get by me on spell check!) wasn't as good as it could have been used. I don't like random sex just so there can be a sex scene. But as Anita learns to control it, it gets a little better, that almost put me off the series. And Narcissus in Chains was just sooo long. I thought it was way too wordy, no offense to LKH, just my personal opinion. I'm hoping that the next in the series isn't quite so violent and the yuck factor decreases.
Hi Anna!
A girl after my own heart!! I can't help, heriones like Anita really resonate with me. I agree the first 10 were tamer, and I didn't always like the random sex with the uncontrolled ardeur, and Narcissus in Chains was a reeeaally long read, but Anita will always be one of my favorites. I'm hoping the ardeur is not be as extreme in the following books. Lea's right, it might have to have an X-rating it is not more controlled! Also, I love vampires, they're just so much fun!! I'm wondering how they're going to make it.....especially for TV.....
Dottie :)
Have you read any of Jennifer Armintrout's Blood Ties series of books?
The Turning, Possession, Ashes to Ashes and All Souls' Night?
I really enjoyed that series. Great vamp stories.
I mean I read a lot of dark PNR, and haven't read LKH in a long time. Maybe I just didn't get it. I don't know. :(
Hi Lea!
No, I haven't read that series, but I will now! Thanks for all the great recommendations Lea, talking about increasing my author vocabulary! Now I have a justified reason to hit the bookstore. Amazon might be easier, less evil looks from my hub.*smiling smugly*
Dottie ^~^
I know what you mean Dottie. lol Mine has as well. :)
Do read the Blood Ties Series in order though because otherwise it won't make sense. :)
Thanks Lea!
That's nice to know! Sometimes the early books are harder to find. That's why God created Amazon! (That and the fact that hubs doesn't know how many I may get as opposed to watching me at the bookstore!)
Dottie ;-)
Hi Dottie!
I've never read the Anita Blake series. I'm really cautious with my forays into urban fantasy and this series just hasn't interested me.
I'm lovin' your excitement though. Yet the fact that it's targeting an audiance of 18-34 year old males is bit disconcerting.
I hope you enjoy the show regardless!
:) VFG
Thanks for following!!!
Urban fantasy isn't a genre for everyone that's for sure. There are paranormal aspects, romance, and with the Anita Blake Series, weres, many, many different types of weres.
It creates a whole world were vamps and weres have always co-existed with humans. It's interesting reading though!
The 18-34 male aspect of the series has me worried, I just can't see men interested in this show. Unless it really is X-rated! lolol Then we won't see it on TV.
Dottie ;-)
Hey Dottie thanks for the mention :)
Hi SciFiGuy!
Hey, no problem! Thanks for the info on LKH. I love your blog, always something interesting to be found there!
Dottie :)
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