1. What author do you own the most books by? That would probably be Kim Harrison - The Hollows Series (Seven Books), Harry Potter Series (Seven Books), followed by Twilight (Four Books). I tend to donate my books to the library or give them away to good homes - that is when I can talk myself into parting with them.
2. What book do you own the most copies of? Twilight (two copies - don't know how it happened) and Lord of the Rings (knew I had a copy, but my son needed it for school, bought another copy)
3. What fictional character are secretly in love with? Kisten (cute, sexy, hot vampire with tight buns and knows how to treat a woman) - tragic hero to Rachel Morgan, sadly he was killed by an undead vampire; although Heathcliff and Rochester were favorites from my youth - I was going to save them.
4. What book have you read more than any other? Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte or Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte - such good stories, lost loves, cry every time - don't know how many times I've read them.
5. What was your favorite book when were ten years old? Was I ever ten years old? That was a long, long, time ago - In a land far, far away - It was probably The Wizard of Oz, but in truth, I soon discovered Barbara Cartland - and the world of wicked romance - bodice ripping, viscounts, damsels in need of saving, and wild passionate...you know. (All right, I was advanced for my age! Had to read in secret, Mom outlawed the books, but Grandma didn't. Kept me secretly supplied, probably warped my young brain.)
6. What is the worst book you've read in the past year? Sunset by Stephen King - just didn't appeal to me.
7. What is the best book you've read in the past year? Hmmm, I can only pick one...can't just pick one...so here's my picks: White Witch Black Curse by Kim Harrison (actually any of her books), Nightwalker by Jocelynn Drake, Dark Highlander (Well, any of the Highlander Series) by Karen Marie Moning (as well as any of her Fever Series), and Heat Lightning by John Sandford (I love Virgil Flowers).
8. If you could tell everyone you tagged to read one book, what would it be? I'm not tagging, but read whatever you like, just have fun.
9. What is the most difficult book you've ever read? The Dairy of a Young Girl by Anne Frank and The Four Perfect Pebbles by Marion Blumenthal Lazan - both books on the Holocaust.
10. Do you prefer the French or the Russians? Does it matter? Nikolai Tolstoy and Victor Hugo were both wonderful authors - who could choose - love them both.
11. Shakespeare, Milton or Chaucer? Who could choose Shakespeare and Chaucer - Midsummer Night's Dream to The Canterbury Tales? Loved both too much for words. Milton would be a second to either, Paradise Lost is very much a must read.
12. Austen or Eliot? Again who can choose, I guess Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice - outstanding!
13. What is the biggest or most embarrassing gap in your reading? I would have to say Crime and Punishment - I don't believe I finished this novel even though it was required reading, I loved the love story, just too long and emotional to finish.
14. What is your favorite novel? I could never choose, too many great writers out there!
15. Play? Midsummer Night's Dream, Twelfth Night, or Much Ado About Nothing - get all excited even when the movies are playing (All right, I admit it, Shakespeare rocks!!)
16. Poem? Anything by Maya Angelou or Shel Silverstein
17. Essay? Hmmmm..."A Peaceful Woman Explains Why She Carries A Gun" - I know it doesn't sound like it, but has lots of humor and she really does need the gun.
18. Short Story? Mary Janice Davidson's Love's Prisoner (Wyndham Werewolf Series) - she has also written several including a Fred the Fish ones I really enjoyed and several Queen Betsy stories that can be found in her anthologies.
19. Non Fiction? Falcon and the Snowman (If Forrest Gump was a true story, it would have been my pick)
20. Graphic Novel? Anita Blake - Vampire Hunter
21. Science Fiction? Katherine Allred's CLOSE ENCOUNTERS, Alien Affairs Series or Jim Butcher's Dresden Files.
22. Who is your favorite writer? If I can't choose one favorite novel, how could I choose a favorite author!
23. Who is the most over rated writer alive today? I read somewhere on the internet that a recent author and/or publisher was demanding ARC's to be read at a certain way -- ALL CAPS AND UNDERLINED (seemed to feel the need to scream). I won't name names, but it turned me completely off this writer.
24. What are you reading right now? Twilight (this is a re-read) by Stephenie Meyer (no tomatoes Lea), Addicted by Charlotte Featherstone (100 pages in), and Bite - Anthology (70 pages in) including LKH, Charlaine Harris, Mary Janice Davidson, Angela Knight, and Vicki Taylor
25. Best Memoir? Recent? Toss up between Bill Clinton and Barack O'bama - both interesting lives. Past? Martin Luther King
26. Best Historical? Les Miserables Romantic? Currently, Addicted
27. Best mystery or Noir? Oh, way too many to choose, do you want playful or heart stopping afraid to turn off the light? Current? Harley Jane Kozak, Elaine Viets Nancy Martin for playful - they're all great fun. Robin Burcell, John Sandford, Patricia Cornwell --- intense dramatic mystery, Dean Koontz --- can scare the bejesusus out of you.
I'm adding one question that wasn't asked.
28. Best Paranormal/Urban Fantasy? Kim Harrison, LKH, Charlaine Harris, Jocelynn Drake....oh so many more!
I hope my answers aren't too confusing, sorry about the multiples, just couldn't pick one!
I also wanted to thank VampFanGirl and Cecile for their wonderful awards.

Thanks VampFanGirl!! Thanks Cecile!!
I like to share these awards with Kim.
Sorry this post was so long, trying to get everything I'm behind on done, not sure I'm going to be home tomorrow.
Happy Easter/Passover -- from me and you guessed it, Tink!!
Cartland and the good old days ;)
Your blog is sure the cutest, and you are always so sweet so here I am with another award :D
Hi Blodeuedd!
An award -- sweet!
I love awards, I'll be by to check.
You know, I'm almost embarrassed to say that Barbara Cartland is who turned me on to romance, but she did, I was very young...in the 10 to 12 years age. But the pictures on the books were so pretty. And some big strong handsome man was saving some poor defenseless dame from a fate worse than death, forced to marry a man they didn't love or a leech of a father who was drinking/gambling/brotheling their money away. I loved it.
Days gone by!
Dottie :)
Happy Easter!!
Hi Barbara!
Happy Easter!
Dottie :)
Happy Easter Dottie!
I love how each persons' reading meme is so different from any other. I enjoyed learning more about you Dottie.
You're welcome on your awards!
(((hugs))) VFG
Happy Easter! I hope you ate lots of chocolate!
It was fun doing the meme. I had forgotten some books that had been important to me, rediscovering them was fun. Are you going to do the meme?
I loved the awards!
Dottie :)
(BTW, I'm quite enthralled with Addicted!)
Okay I'm going to star this and come back to it later to do. Hope you had a Happy Easter!
Sorry to be so long in responding to this post. I am woefully behind in visiting everyone due to Easter, book censorship issues, etc. etc.
WONDERFUL answers to the Meme. You put me to shame girl!!!
I am so happy you did this.
I hope your Easter was awesome!
Warm regards
Hi Ladytink_534!
Glad you stop back by and thanks for following.
I've been visiting your sites, love them both!
I love the Disney themes!
I'll stop by in a bit to have a look -- trying to caught up!
Dottie :)
Hi Lea!
Like I could ever put your to shame with reading! You are my idol sweetie! I doubt I could ever be as well read as you!
Thanks for enduring the extra long meme!
Dottie :)
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