Our very own VampFanGirl is getting ready to hold her VERY FIRST CONTEST!
Here's the information from VFG's blog:
Commencing April 22nd, in Celebration of the Release of J.R. Ward's LOVER AVENGED, there will be SIX consecutive days of Black Dagger Brotherhood Fun and Reviews to get you guys amped up for REHVENGE!
Then, on APRIL 28TH, Commenter's can get their chance to Win a SIGNED COPY OF LOVER AVENGED!
The Contest will remain Open for a week with a WINNER being announced on May 5th!

Now, do you think that's the only contest going on?
NO, Cecile over at All I Want and More is offering up Dead Until Dark! Contest ends 4-24-09.

Have you had enough of great contests? I hope not because Lea over at Closetwriter is getting ready to hold some great contests too!
Here's the information from Lea's blog:
Devyn Quinn is taking over the helm here at Closetwriter on April 27th for an e-book promotion and giveaway, so please stay tuned for more information with respect to this event!
"Beth Kery Daring Time Giveaway", here at Closetwriter May 4th to 9th, 2009!
"Devyn Quinn Man After Midnight Giveaway #2", here at Closetwriter May 11th to 17th, 2009! (Devyn found more books to share!!!)
Hold on there everyone!! Not done yet! Blanche over at There's No Such Thing As Too Many Books is having her own contest!!
Here's the information from Blanche's blog:
Starting on Monday April 27th and going through Beth Williamson's visit here (There's No Such Thing As Too Many Books) on Thursday and all comments from each day will be thrown in the random.org thingy for a chance to win one of several books I have to giveaway!! Winners will be announced on Monday May 1st and the contest is open to everyone! (This is to celebrate the release of Beth Williamson's new book Hell for Leather on April 28, 2009!) Check back for prizes!

And OMG!!! I almost forgot one!!
Kristie over at Ramblings on Romance Etcetera, Etcetera... is having a giveaway too!!
Here's the information from Kristie's blog:
What can an Author Spotlight be without a chance to win a couple? I have a copy of the wonderful Whispers of Heaven and the delightful The Last Knight.
I will make the draw a week from today, Thursday, April 23.

Now, I think we have some great contests going on!! So why doesn't everyone take a quick peek at these great blogs! I guarantee you won't be disappointed.
(There will be more pimpage of the contests as they get closer, so remember to check out these great blogs! Sweet contests!)
This is a special shout out to Anna at Anna's Book Blog. Thanks for the great contest Anna (Yummy Vampires Nocturne Set -- MY PRIZE)!!!
Now some sweet tunage with Ben Folds -- You Don't Know Me (At All) - personal favorite. Not as good as concert performance in 2003, but almost!
Ben Folds performed at the University of Illinois and the concert was amazing. It was the Lost in the Suburb Concert (couldn't find it on youtube, next best thing).
You are such a dear, dear soul Dottie!
Thank you for the wonderful post to get us all up to speed and for the pimpage!
Warm Regards
PS: congratulations!
Hi Lea!
I just want everyone to know what fantastic blogs and bloggers we have out there and available for everyone to see!! You all have the best blogs and you deserve a huge shout out!! I tried to make it fun and still get all this cool info out about all the great contests everyone is having.
I hope you have a great day!
(It's going to rain again here today, and it's starting to get chilly, Illinois has the best weather.)
Dottie :)
(I'm so excited about winning Anna's contest -- I couldn't believe it -- I may have squealed!)
Must go and check those out :D
mmm, Lover Avenged, I am so dying to read Rhevs book
Hi Blodeuedd!
I can't believe everyone is having such fantastic contests right now!!
I know, I would like to see Rhev's story too. Rhev -- so sweet and yummy *sigh* First I'd have to fight off VFG and Barbara who both have laid claim to his body! lolol
Dottie ;-)
congratulations on winning Anna's contest!!
And on a completely different topic:
What is better than watching a movie for Free??!!!
Watching it with your new crush!!
I really like this guy I met thru a co-worker. We have watched 3 movies so far together (in the month I have known him - Duplicity, Adventureland, and State of Play).
We also hung out until 3:30AM one night (this past week) talking.
I have a date with him tomorrow night when I get off work (at 9pm - I know I keep wierd hours)!!!
I'm not sure what we are going to do - go out to dinner or watch a movie, but I am soooo excited!!!
Wish me Luck!!
Thanks for the pimpage Dottie!! :)
Hi Sha and Michelle
Good luck on your date! Have fun and enjoy yourself, it will be great.
Hi Blanche!
You are more than welcome my friend!
As the contest gets closer, more pimpage to come! Let's get the word out!
Dottie :)
Dottie, thanks greatly for the pimpage!! I think a lot of readers who have never tried her would really enjoy Candice Proctor's books!!
Hi Kristie!
Well, I know if you liked her, it's probably going to be a really good book!! She's a new author to me, but the books sound wonderful. I've been looking for her.
As you can see, my book diet hasn't worked out for me. I keep finding new authors to try.
Dottie :)
Hey thanks for the heads-up about all the contest, especially VampFanGirl! I just adore this series so I'm going to have to go subscribe to her blog.
Hi LadyTink!
VFG loves J.R. Ward, so you are in for a big treat! She has a special place for Rhev...
Make sure to watch for her contest!
There are several really nice contests offered from some of the best bloggers!
Dottie :)
Super big thanks for the pimpage Dottie!!!!
((((HUGE HUGS))))
Congrats on your win at Anna's blog too!
:) VFG
Thanks! I was actually going to buy Midnight Cravings anyway after seeing it on Anna's post. I visit Michele Hauf's blog occasionally and it sounded too good to pass up. Winning it was really cool!
No problem with the pimpage, I love pimping contests, and your's is going to be really good!! J.R. Ward!! Too Cool!! And Rhev...no need to say more. Several new bloggers will be following your blog to see the contest shape up!
Dottie :)
My fingers seem to be dyslexic, all references to Rhev to be Rehv, sorry to Rehv....just noticed I'm having all kinds of typos today...actually all week, it's been one of those weeks that I have to fix several post, in fact having trouble with this comment...time to turn off the computer.
Daily Diet all in one place..
Great post...
thanks Dottie
Hi EH!
Hope your read-a-thon was great! I would be exhausted for at least the next three days of my life..lolol.. It was unbelievable!!
Please stop by the contests, they're going to be fun. I know Cecile has offered her's worldwide. Check in at the contests okay?
Love your blog EH!!
Dottie :)
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