And just because I want to, another of my most favorite movies, PRETTY IN PINK (1986), Blane broke my heart!!
Spring has Sprung!
If All The World's A Flower
If all the world's a flower
Green, beauty, love
When the force of a shower
Will set the flight of a dove
If all the world's a flower
Sleeping sweetly lite
And the timing is of the hour
Of the most mighty night
I wept gently for the flower
Closing it's sweet petals tight
With the daylight dawning power
Brings life once more to the flower
Enjoy your lovely weekend :)
That was so cool Dottie!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!! :)
I actually cried a little when I saw that (I know, weird huh?). It's just so cool that people enjoyed something like this today. I miss musicals lol.
Hi Blanche!
It was too cool, 200 hundred dancers!
It was freaking amazing!
Dottie ;)
Hi LadyTink!
I miss musicals too, which is why I go see all the not so new new ones, like 'Hairspray', 'Footloose'(our little town theater put it on, and one of my favorites 'Mama Mia'
It was too cool!
Not weird, totally. Really.
Dottie :)
Hehe thanks for that :D Cool
Wow! Love your blog!
Hi Blodeuedd!
Wasn't that like one of the coolest things you've ever seen???
It was sooo cool!
I loved it!
Dottie :)
Hi J. Kaye!
Thanks for stopping by! I love your blog too! Too Cute!!
Dottie :)
Hi Dottie,
It sure was :D
Hi Blodeuedd!
lolol!! It was too much fun!
Dottie :-)
that was awesome!
There's an award waiting for you at my place :-)
Hi Teddyree!
I love awards, I'll be by to pick it up!
The video is awesome, isn't it?
I loved it, being a big fan of The Sound of Music myself (any musical really)
Dottie :)
Very neat performance! I especially liked how many of them looked like spectators at first, then joined in. ;)
Hi ForestJane!
I know, it was just so cool, everyone looked so shocked, and suddenly people who looked like spectators jumped into the dance.
Way too cool!
Dottie :)
That song and dance video is just SO cool isn't it??? I sat there entranced. And would you believe and this is hard to admit to - that I've never seen Pretty in Pink before? Though you can tell how old the movie is by some of the characters today :)
Hi Kristie!
The Sound of Music video is one of the neatest things I've seen in a bit. Too cool!
Pretty in Pink, my daughter just rediscovered it, so I've watched it a few time lately, lololol.
Still a favorite though...
Dottie :)
I gots me a surprise for you over at my blog. Check it out! :D
I saw that video too a few weeks ago, MAN that is awesome!! Why can't that happen more often? :( Makes me sad that it doesn't, but it makes me happy that it happens at all hehe :)
I loved the Sound of Music clip! That's what we need more of... made the world a happier place, don't you think?
Ah, romance...I'll take it any day over thriller, slice 'em and dice 'em movies!
Hi Ruth!
I'll be over to check!
Dottie :)
Hi Robin!
It was sooo cool, can you image 200 dances with only 2 rehearsals??
Amazing and so fun. I do love muscials...they just don't make them...I guess not a big enough audience. I loved it!
Dottie :)
Hi Hawk!
I love a good romance!! Reading, writing or watching!!
I just loved this video so much, I wish the US would have this kind of initiative. All the cool stuff seems to happen across the pond. Why is that?
My daughter loves Pretty in Pink - loved it. So, we've been watching.
Dottie :)
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