I should've had posted early this morning, but it was one of those day where nothing worked out right. So, after spending the day in one doctor's office or another, I'm finally sitting down to more than five minutes at a time on my laptop. *le sigh*
I'm exhausted....
So, without further adieu....
Today's imagine is one that the awesome Blodeuedd sent to me... It's different and unique...I love it!
I think the image is unique not because of the lack of clothing, but because it shows so many different things in such a bleak image. It isn't the near nakedness that calls to me. There's a starkness here, and at the same time, so many things come to mind.
The rules remain the same, 350 words (or somewhere there about) and come back Friday to post a response.
But, most important, have fun and let your creativity juices flow!!
Have a great week!
Oh, I'm glad you posted this now. :) I forgot to do my flash last week. But I LOOOOOVE the picture this week. I'll have to get on this one. :) Thank you!
I was so busy that the last flash, well there was no last flash :(
Will do better this week!
I don't know...everybody missed the last time so perhaps I will miss this one. Or I will write a flash without a pic...
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