Pages: 307

Schuyler Van Alen was introduced in Blue Bloods as a young blue blood, vampire, who has just started to show her true blue blood lines. She attends Duchesne, a prestigious high school for the rich and famous, as well as vampire, in New York City. There have been attacks from the legendary Silver Bloods that the committee no longer believes to exist. With the death of Schuyler's grandmother, Cordelia who has in reality entered her resting cycle to be reborn, Schuyler has been sent to Venice to locate her self-imposed exiled grandfather, Lawrence Van Alen. It must also be remember that these souls, all except Schuyler's, have been reborn many times, reincarnated or recycled, transplanted to America since the original Mayflower Crossing doomed to life on Earth for helping the fallen angel, Lucifer. All Blue Bloods have renounced any allegiance that they once had with Lucifer whose few remaining followers are the master of death, the Silver Bloods. Charles Force (The Angel Michael) and Allegra Van Alen (The Angel of White) were the only two angels who left on their own accord. Allegra because she couldn't bear to part from her parents, Lawrence and Cordelia, and Michael because he couldn't bear to part from Allegra.
Schuyler is reaching the point of depression, she has searched relentless for any sign of her grandfather without luck. Venice has been a disappointment with only one day remaining in Oliver's and her stay. As one last act of desperation, she visits Venice Biennale pavilions to wonder through the darken rooms and corridors where her grandfather may have once frequented. There she meets a young man who asks her why she is looking for the Professor, Lawrence Van Alen. Explaining that she's his grandfather and has a message from Cordelia in the ancient tongue. "Adiuvo Amicus Specialis. Nihilum cello. Meus victus est tui manus." I come to you for aid as a secret, special friend. I have nothing to hide. My life is in your hands. (page 48).
She is taken to a palace where she in fact does meet her grandfather, who is also the young man from the Biennale, able to shift shapes. She explains her dire predicament and that the Silver Bloods have returned. Lawrence either cannot or will not help her. She returns home more frustrated than before she left. Upon her return, it is the night of the Four Hundred Ball. Upon Schuyler's returned, she finds she must attend and Oliver, being a Red Blood, will not be allowed to attend.
Mimi Force (The Angel of Death - Azrael) has also been busy, not only with the Four Hundred Ball, but with planning an unsanctioned Masquerade party following the Ball. Only the best of the blue bloods will be invited which will not include Schuyler Van Alen who Mimi's brother Jack (The Angel of Destruction - Abbadon) seems to have an unreasonable attraction to. She knows that he, in his previous lives, has always been attracted to Allegra (Schuyler's comatose mother), The Angel of White, the light always calls to the dark. Mimi needs to device a way to get Schuyler out of the way if she hopes one day to have a life with Jack.
Jack and Mimi have been reborn many times, but this is the first time as twins, brother and sister. Maybe this is a sign that in this life, Schuyler will be his chosen one. He is incredibly attracted to her, and although, he realizes it may actually be an attraction to the light, he can't help himself when he stumbles upon her alone at the Masquerade. He does what he has been forbidden to do and steals a passionate kiss from the lips of Schuyler from behind his masquerade mask, with no one the wiser.
Kingsley is a new student at Duchesne and impossibly arrogant. Bliss Llewellyn is attracted as is Mimi Force. Kingsley seems to know the dark secrets that no one is allowed to talk about and he dabbles in the dark arts, spells that are not allowed. As he entices Bliss with how to ward off the Silver Bloods who seems to be drawn to her; he is, at the same time, trying to coax Mimi Force into performing the dark art spells. Only is he everything he appears to be?
With fear for Schuyler, Lawrence Van Alen does return to New York only to find Schuyler has become ill and may fall into a coma like her mother if she doesn't take a familiar to feed upon. Oliver, her conduit, is her only true friend, but when Schuyler asks him to also be her familiar, to feed from him, he cannot agree. Oliver is in love with Schuyler if she could only see. Fearing for Schuyler's death, he reluctantly agrees. But after the feeding is accomplished, Schuyler knows it was wrong; she has seen into his Red Blood soul and knows his secret and his love.
Kingsley tempts Mimi Force to try to call a Silver Blood to kill Schuyler Van Alen. Mimi is almost at the end of her rope with Jack's attraction to Schuyler and the only way to fix the problem is to remove it. She agrees to try to call the Silver Blood. What she doesn't know and apparently Kingsley does that this is an offense that has the highest punishment, death. Not just the death in this life, but never to exist again, blood drain and burned. Will Mimi be put to death? Who is Kingsley really? Who will figure out the truth? Can Schuyler save her one true enemy, Mimi Force? Does she even want to try?
Masquerade is the Second Book in the Blue Blood Series by Melissa De La Cruz. It continues the world of the Blue Blood Vampires as well as the story of the Silver Bloods. Schuyler Van Alen is a very alluring heroine. She's stronger than she thinks after living with Cordelia all of these years and never having a mother. She is strongly attracted to Jack, but knows he will always belong to Mimi as he as for centuries, Death and Destruction. But Jack is a hero that wants to find the light, who desperately wants to leave the darkness behind. I was drawn to Jack's sense of fairness, he appears to have grown and maybe he will find the light this time. It is because of Jack that Schuyler will attempt a blood reading that may lead to her death, not everyone can survive the blood reading. Oliver is the other hero in the story and sadly he is attracted to Schuyler, it is a very confusing time for our young heroes and heroine. Mimi Force is an anti-heroine, one who would take over the story if allowed, she will have to grow and change if she has any hope of keeping Jack by her side. I loved this second installment in the Blue Blood Series. It helped fill in some of the missing pieces and expands from the first book as well as bring the characters to life, showing some of their true personalities. This is excellent YA reading, and I'm looking forward to Revelations. For more information about all of the books in the Blue Blood Series as well as many others, please visit Melissa De La Cruz' site.
Gratuitous Video of Lily Allen ~ The Fear ~ What I'm Currently Listening To --
It just felt right for reading this book.

What a wonderful review and high accolades for Mellisa De La Cruz' book!
I LOVE the cover art, very intriguing. I didn't realize this was for a YA audience until the end of your thoughts!
Thanks so much for sharing Dottie!
Warmest Regards
Hi Lea!
How are you girl?? I know you've been so busy and I can hardly wait for your contests!
It was such a good read, I think I read it just about over night!
The Masquerade Mask on the cover art is described in the book as one that Schuyler picks up on a whim in Venice. A lot of the story reveals around Italy, past and present day. It was really neat.
Dottie :)
Evening Dottie :)
This was a Ya book, well that certainly make them more fun these days.
Sounds like a good read, and do you need more than vamps ;)
Dottie!! How you been?
Dont'cha just love internet problems!!
What an abosulte treat this was for me! I have been eyeing this series for some times now... The cover art is so alluring!
I am happy to read your review and thoughts on it! Very well done!!! (((clapping)))
Hi Blodeuedd!
Good Evening my friend!
It seems that I hardly ever sleep so I mostly see you in the middle of the night here, when you're probably just getting things going. I know I should be sleeping, but insomnia tends to strike!!
This was excellent YA, I am so impressed with this author. She was able to draw me in and now I've already ordered Revelations and waiting for The Van Alen Legacy to be released in October.
And damn, you know I just can't get enough of the vampires!
I'm also waiting on Ward's BDB books to get here. Not YA, but my eyes are craving them!! VFG has converted me. I don't know how I missed this series.
Dottie :)
Hi Cecile!
I. HATE. INTERNET. PROBLEMS. I had them all weekend, have had problems yesterday and still some today!!! The cable company is supposed to have the problems worked out soon. What really irritates me is that I've missed so much. I get on for brief periods when the damn modem will let me!! Rant and Vent over, I promise.
I loved Masquerade, it was an excellent fast read. Blue Bloods is Book One, then Masquerade, Revelations, and The Van Alen Legacy coming in October. De La Cruz spins heaven and hell in a new way and introduces vampires in a new light too. But it is YA so be fore warned. I ordered Evermore as well, I'll have to see what it's like. Hope you enjoy it!
Dottie :)
Yes I do see you around when I think the rest of the world is sleeping :)
I think I should get to bed soon too, feel tired for some reason...just a couple of more pages in my book though ;)
I hope you'll love them!!
Hi Blodeuedd!
Can't wait for the books, and as soon as you finish the book, GO TO SLEEP. If you check back later, I'll probably still be online, that's when the internet works the best right now!! I hope sleep comes easier tonight, but who knows?
Dottie :)
I bought these for my 16 year old. She read them and raved - I now have them on MY TBR shelf. :)
Hey Michelle!
Good to know. :) Let me know what you think when you read the book (maybe a nice review over at your blog ;))
Hey Dottie - we are taking over Tink land here! LOL
Warm Regards
Hi Michelle!
Your daughter is right! Fantastic reading! My daughter hasn't read them yet, she waiting for school to get out, then she going to read.
Lea, listen to Michelle's daughter!
I'm kind of on a YA kick right now, just re-read Twilight which I'll post about in a couple of days.
Dottie :)
Hey Lea!
I like Tink Land!
(If I can get the internet to stay on I'd like it whole lot better!)
Dottie :)
Hey Lea!
I just won a copy of Blue Diablo!
Woo hoo!
Dottie :)
Wonderful review as always, Dottie!! I'm happy you enjoyed the read. The series sounds interesting. I don't think I've read ANY YA books. Man, I'm so out of the loop, lol.
Congrats on Blue Diablo, Dottie!!
Hi Barbara!
I love YA and no you're not out of the loop. YA is a relatively new genre that almost sprung up over night, gaining interest mainly with Twilight. So, if you've read Twilight, you've read YA, urban fantasy, and a paranormal romance! See, not out of the loop at all (I guess that would include watching Twilight too - I know you've watched Twilight!)
Thanks! I've been thinking about getting Blue Diablo every time see it at the bookstore. Can't wait to read it! But I also have BDB on order, so I can't wait to read the Brothers too. So many books, so little time. What's a reader to do?
I've also agree to do several review before the middle of June. Now if the books would get here, I could get the reviews done and ready to post by the dates desired by the promoters/writers/publishers. I'm still waiting for Hot In Here to get here. I really need to invest in an ereader. Boy, I better quit now, I quite wordy tonight. I think it's from the lack of sleep. LOLOL.
Dottie :)
Hi Dottie!!
Congrats on your win!! :)
Awesome review, this sounds like a great series!!
Hey Dottie... head over to my place, I have something for you and while you are there check out my new slide!!!
Hope you have a great night!
Morning :)
Managed to sleep a bit longer today, yes, I always wake up too early cos of the sun.
And congrats on your win!!! I really liked Blue Diablo
Hi Blanche!
Thanks, can't wait to read Blue Diablo!!
It was a sweet read, fun and fast, and I love the characters, well except for Mimi, but who could love such a beeatch.
Dottie :)
(I hope Maxie is feeling better!)
Hi Cecile!
I'll head over there in a few! Been busy getting together a massive post.
Dottie :)
Good Morning Blodeuedd!
Yup, still up, but going to bed in a few moments. At least it's earlier than last night! Starting to get sleepy now *yawn*, but I too will be up with the sun. My kids unfortunately have to be at school earlier than usually and will depend on good ole Mom to make sure they're up and
Dottie :)
It was sure late there I see, have a good nights sleep :) the Lily Allen U-Tube Song!
Awesome cover on the De La Cruz' book. WOW!
Hi Blodeuedd!
It was, but I'm up again now. Morning sure comes early!
Dottie :)
Hi Hawk!
Lily Allen just happens to be my new favorite right now. Something about the story just appeals to me. I loved the lilt in her voice.
De La Cruz' cover art is wonderful, I love the masquerade mask.
Dottie :)
That's a pretty neat cover!
Thanks for sharing :).
Hi Amy!
Glad to see you!
Masquerade does have cool cover art. It's suppose to be the mask that Schuyler picks up is Venice Italy.
Dottie :)
Oh yes morning comes too early :) *coughs* fine I wake up at 8 am but still ;)
Hi Blodeuedd!
My morning starts at about 6 am here, but that's just when the alarm goes off, after I hit the snooze button a couple of times....
Well, usually about 6:30 when I'm finally awake and up. The problem is sometimes (almost always) I'm up so late. Need to make sleep a priority instead of reading, which is what I'm usually doing - trying to beat the insomnia, used to get sleepy when I read at night.
Dottie :)
Hey Dottie!
Sorry I'm late with my post. Beautiful review. This sounds like a very interesting and intrigueing plot. I haven't read many YA novels, just of course the Twilight Saga cause who hasn't?? :)
Like many others that have commented, I was so struck by the cover art. A lot of these YA novels are blessed by the Cover Gods it would appear.
Thank you for the recommendation!
:) VFG
No problem, I would be staying away from the computer after writing so many reviews, and they were all sooo good. I've really enjoyed BDB week.
The cover art for Masquerade is very enticing, trying to draw to you in, all YA has good cover art. Maybe that's to attract those younger readers.
The story matched the cover art, I really enjoyed it.
I'll be doing a review of Twilight that I re-read with my daughter, it's going to be a massive post, so much going on with that series, and it's all good.
Thanks for stopping by!!
Dottie :)
I'm looking forward to your 'Twilight' review, Dottie.
Oh, and I'm Team Jacob!! :)
:) VFG
I'll have it posted either tomorrow or Friday. Hope you enjoy it!
Dottie :)
(I'm oh sooo Team Edward - Sexy Vampire Pheromones!)
Oh this sounds like a really neat series! Love those vampires :)
Hi LadyTink!
This is a pretty good YA series, but I don't think it has to be YA. It's overall pretty good urban fantasy/paranormal romance.
Right now, I'm really lovin' YA, especially urban fantasy.
Dottie :)
(The Dead(?)Series - not sure of the series name - that you reviewed and interview with Tate Hallaway sounds pretty good too!)
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