Pages: 35 - 65

Meet Sookie Stackhouse, she's just a barmaid who can read minds. She's not psychic or anything, really, this is just her disability. Oh, and one more thing, vampires are like welcome vacation, a quiteness to her overwhelmed mind.....
As Sookie and Bubba (Elvis in a previous life) are raking leaves at dusk, a limo pulls up. One thing's for sure, there aren't any limos in Bon Temps. Out of town visitors have arrived, and Bubba makes himself scarce, he's shy around new people and Sookie hopes he has gone to fetch Bill Compton, one-time vampire lover and still good friend. She can smell trouble brewing, well see it actually, the limo has vampires and something else, a shifter maybe.
When Mr. Cataliades and Waldo alight from the limo, something is up. Mr. Cataliades is a lawyer come to talk about cousin Hadley's estate. Sookie didn't even know she had died. According to Waldo, The Fellowship of the Sun followers staked her at a cemetery, leaving Sookie with her estate. How odd, Waldo - a vampire, couldn't tell there were humans at the cemetery, especially ones with stakes, human heart races, surely he should have felt them, better yet smelled them and their blood.
As Sookie voices these concerns, Waldo tries to attack her, causing Vampire Bill to go into protect mode, staking Waldo with a convenient stake brought by Mr. Cataliades. The Queen of Louisiana wanted to give Sookie the honor, and says so as she leaves the limo as well. She doesn't see anything special about Sookie, doesn't understand the big fuss. Sookie just smiles, sometimes she does that when she's nervous.
This is excellent short story written by Charlaine Harris following the Southern Vampire Series (The Sookie Stackhouse Series for all you True Blood fans out there.) This series started out known as The Southern Vampire Series, but with the growing popularity of Sookie, it has come to known as The Sookie Stackhouse Series. This story continues the Sookie Stackhouse saga loved by many including myself. To find out more about all the Sookie Stackhouse stories, check out Charlaine Harris' website where you can find out about all of her Sookie books as well as her other series: Aurora Teagarden Series, Harper Connelly Mystery Series, and several anthologies.

Don't get hysterical, but I've never read a Sookie novel before. I know there's the whole following of the HBO series and everything but you wanna know the truth? Are you sure cause it's pretty bad... Alright I'll just come out and say it.........It's the covers. I HATE THEM! I just can't bring myself to buy one because the covers are so hideous! I guess I'm a bit shallow when it comes to book covers...
I'm lovin' these reviewettes BTW. Can I steal the nomenclature when or if I ever review an anthology??
(((hugs))) VFG
LOLOLOL. I know the covers put a lot of people off, they're kind of grade schoolish. But that's Sookie's character. She was just able to finish high school because of the constant bombardment of other people's thoughts. And she can't even have a normal relationship with a man because she can 'see' everything they're thinking -- you know like, I'm counting the ceiling tiles here, things like that, or 'I wonder what color undies she's wearing'.
She's not uneducated, just uncultured.
Dottie :)
Oh and sure, use the format -- I stole it from Doug at SciFiGuy -- didn't even ask, thankfully he was okay with it! Even told me that he was glad I tried it!
Dottie :)
Yeah, that would be rough. I don't think I could stand constantly hearing what someone was thinking. Especially if it was in regards to me. Yikes! LOL!
Cool, next time or if ever I review an anthology, I'll go for it. (I'm not a real big fan of anthologies that's why it may be never)
((hugs)) VFG
Thank you -Thanks You, Tink for writing about the Sookie Stackhouse short stories !
"Dallas "
Great Reviewette Dottie!
This sounds like a good book written by Ms. Harris!
I've not tried any of ther work before, but maybe I will!
I love you honesty!! You never cease making me laugh!! Thanks for stopping by my blog...reading the reviews...and laughing with me.
I used to hate anthologies, but recently I've decided I like knowing the little bit extra about the characters that an anthology can provide.
Dottie :)
Hi Dallas!
Thanks for stopping by and keep checking, I'll reviewing the short in Many Bloody Returns.
Dottie :)
(Sookie Stackhouse is a favorite and True Blood is one of the best shows on TV)
Hi Lea!
I truly love Sookie Stackhouse. I know VFG doesn't like the covers, but I think they're sweet. My niece could draw them, maybe stick them on the frig. Okay, probably not, if me niece starts drawing Bela Lagosi vampires, I'd better check with my sister!
Charlaine Harris is such a good author, I really enjoy her series, all deal with the supernatural.
Dottie :)
Haven't read Sookie either, I did watch most of True Blood, but since they did nothing else than have sex...well i need some plot, or at least a hunky vampire.
And here I am again :)
I just tagged you with this hunky hero post :)
Hi Blodeuedd!
The first season of True Blood was supposed to be just book one of the Sookie Stackhouse Series. But since I've read the entire series, it didn't feel that way. I think to understand the series, you almost have to have read some of the books.
They don't give enough background information. The books are much better than the HBO's True Blood, but then the books always are. There's still plenty of sex in the books, but it shows how the relationships were developed. The books are just better, although I watched every minute of the True Blood show and loved it.
Eric the Viking is much prettier, bigger, and stronger in the books than on the show and so is Pam who by the way is a lesbian and Eric's enforcer in the books. Sookie's best friend, Tara, is a white girl without nearly the backbone and she never hooks up with Sam (that I could remember) or works at the bar (she does hook up with a vamp and shifter, but later in the series). Sam has the hots for Sookie in the books, but since he's the boss, she doesn't want to loss her job so she afraid to follow through (similar in the show).
I think they did it pumped up the show to keep viewers interested, they added more sex, it is HBO so they pretty much do whatever they want. I did enjoy the show, but I kept saying 'Hey they didn't do that in the books'. Boy, that was probably wwaaayyy more information than you needed about True Blood. lololol.
Hmmmmm, I'm tagged for the hunky hero post, so now I know who my hunky hero would be, I just have to think of someone sweet enough to be that hero. I'll have to think and yes if I can come up with my perfect hero.
I loved this series! Will be ordering this tonight!
Hi Alaine!
Glad you stopped by! I love the Sookie Stackhouse Series and True Blood is a really good show, one of the best on TV, even if it's not 100% following the books.
I hope you enjoy it!
Dottie :)
Nothing wrong with a little sex, I just felt it took over completely. It's for the same reason I never got into the Tudors or Rome. I need backgrounds too, I need to feel the characters, not just watching them have sex. No True Blood for me. I guess i want my sex in books lol
But the books sounds so much better, and there they aren't just having a lot of sex to please the viewers. There I am sure it makes sense.
I am sure I would like Eric so much better in the books ;)
She is white, couldn't imagine that, but then they changed a lot.
I never did like when she hooked up with Sam, didn't feel right.
Oh and Bill didn't do it for me.
I needed sexy vamps, and saw nothing of that.
I do have the books, at least some as e-books, so in the future..maybe If I can get an e-reader one day :)
Hi Blodeuedd!
I think you'll like the books better too. But Bill isn't all that hot in the books either. He's from the Civil War, so he's been around for a while, tall, dark, thin, but with great eyes and very strong (and he's one of the young vampires). I think Sookie's attraction is the silence of his mind. He kind of ends up as the Queen's bookkeeper, but he always holds a special place in Sookie's heart as her first vampire. She's always wanted to meet one and finally she does. There's still plenty of sex and Eric is waaayy hotter than Bill and does the most interesting things.
Dottie :)
Hey Dottie!!! I am back!!
Hope all has been well!!
This a great post. I have been waiting to get this book just because of Charlaine Harris. I have not watched the series on the tv (don't have HBO), but I have read ALLLL the books. Just finish From Dead to Worst (8)!
The cover discussion - well, I agree with you, they are alot like Sookie. I do love smokin hot covers, but this one is just fun.
Now the story vs tv. I have no idea about that. Although, I have heard that it is like soft porn tv.(Again - heard). I have loved the series, fallen in love with all the characters. But the last book... well, I am not doing a review of the series nor the last book... because it is leaving a stale favor in my mouth. The storyline is good... just I love romance and it is few and far in between. I love the humor in it, but with all these hot guys around her... hello... but that is her character. Alcide and Eric, yum! And then there was Quinn... Weretiger!!! What a man! I love Amelia though - she is a trip!
I do want to read Many Bloody Returns as well. And I am going to get Dead and Gone (9) to see where the story goes... but the ending of From Dead to Worst (8) just did nothing for me. Did not leaving me wanting more. The fact that I have invested in reading all the books is what is keeping me going.
Thats just my opinoin!!
Hi Cecile!
I agree, From Dead to Worst wasn't the best, I don't know why....maybe it was about a deadline..who knows. Everyone is entitled to one so-so book. I waiting to see if Dead and Gone is better...I hope so!
Eric, Quinn, Alcide were all yummy!
I'd like to see more time with Eric, but I don't know if we will. He was so sweet before his memory came back and he was forced return to Fangtansia.
I don't think we'll be seeing Alcide (took up with another shifter) or Quinn again as love interests, but I don't know. Anythings possible.
Glad to see your back sweetie, so you must have survived tax season!
Dottie :)
Yes I did!!! Thank goodness!!!
Well... Alcide's girl was murdered in From Dead to Worst... so I am hoping that maybe something can rekindle, but since he blames her (not in full part) for Debbie, I don't know if that will happen. But I would love to see more of Eric, and now that he remembers what happen when he lost his memory... maybe things will heat up. I was kinda always a side line puller for Sam. He just seems like the "right" kinda guy and hot too!
Hi there. I just wanted to let you know that another blog has stolen this content, likely without your permission. I suggest sending a cease and desist letter. She has done this twice to me. Best luck.
Lol, I am sure Bill is fine in his old ways too, I think I could like him in the books.
And Eric sure sounds yummier
Hi Cecile!
I think Alcide is still kind of mad at Sookie, not only for Debbie, (who was a conniving b**ch) but because of their difference in regards to vampires. He was so hot too, a big werewolf type of guy, I think he wants to protect Sookie, mostly from herself.
Eric is totally hot, really like him, wish he'd find a way to love Sookie and still be the boss of the vamps (still have respect even though he loves a human, she is a special human after all).
Oh, Sam is totally sweet, you have to love Sam. In the TV series, he has a thing for Tara, how wrong is that? He's so in love with Sookie, he really can't see anyone else, but it's not how it's played in the series.
Dottie :)
Hi Blodeuedd!
Yeah Eric is way yummier!!!
In the books, he has long blond hair, wide shoulders, and everything else is damn near perfect...*wink wink*
He's kind of sarcastic, but he is a viking who's seen it all and done it all. Literally. I mean really. Sookie really could have loved him, but she knew she couldn't keep him when he got his memory back.
Dottie :)
Hey Dottie.. head over to my place, I left an award for you!! Love ya!
Hi Cecile!
Thanks, I love awards!
Dottie :)
Yes Dottie, I love True Blood! It doesn't bother me that it's not sticking to the books. At least I'm not sure what's coming next.
Hi Alaine!
I watched each episode more than once and I keep watching for them to repeat them before the new season starts!
I wish Eric was yummier in the show, he's so hot in the books!
Dottie :)
I have never read her book either, but there's still time to expand my knowledge...
love the reviewette...
Hi EH!
I do love the Southern Vampire Series, Charlaine Harris actually writes three separate supernatural series, and several are hot!
The Harper Connelly Series is interesting as well.
Thanks for stopping by! I've really been enjoying your blog!
Dottie :)
It was rather interesting for me to read that post. Thanx for it. I like such topics and anything connected to them. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.
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