Pages: 59 -131

Betsy just can't get over the fact that she's a vampire. I mean the whole blood thing -- ewww! She's been pronounced the Queen -- Queen Betsy of the Vampires. Even if it does mean the perpetual hot Eric Sinclair is her consort and likes buying expensive shoes....
Sophie has lived in Embarrass, Minnesota on her houseboat for many years. She's known for her moonlight wandering and being the best damn vet in the county. And she doesn't even mind making late night house calls, that's always when you need a vet.
Liam Thompson has been watching Dr. Sophie since he was a boy. Everyone knew Dr. Sophie was a vampire, but no one said anything, not because they were afraid of her, but because they were afraid she'd leave. Liam looks for ill animals, he can always find a pregnant barn cat or two when he needs one, just so he can talk to Dr. Sophie.
When Dr. Sophie stops in to look in on his cats, she catches an odd news story. It would seem there as been as rash of young women committing suicide after their boyfriend calls it quits. It's odd because none of the girls appeared suicidal.
Sophie tells Liam that she must leave immediately. Liam asks if this has anything to do with vampire business. She's shock, how does Liam know her true identity? She asks, and he tells her everyone in town knows, but they don't want to scare her off. Sophie explains that it's vampire business, she has to go see the Queen in Minneapolis...and she's afraid of the Queen (Nostro had been a very cruel King, until Betsy did him in).
After enjoying a night together at the local Radisson, they locate the Queen, she and her consort along with various hanger-ons live in her best friend Jessica's mansion (a hanger-on). Liam and Sophie pop in to let them know they're in town (proper vampire procedure) and that there is something fishy going on. Upon hearing their news, Queen Betsy ready for stake.
Upon locating the dastardly villain and delivering the message "Dude. We. Don't. Want. You. To. Kill. Anyone. Else. Because. It's. Wrong." (p.123) He attacks Liam and then is promptly staked...through the heart...turning to dust...Now the happy couples can get back to what they were doing before...having a wild time.
As many of you know MJ Davidson is one of my favorite authors and the Queen Betsy Series is at the top of re-read stack. Whenever I need an instant pick me up, read MJ. She takes the supernatural and turns it on it's ear. And the beautiful shoes Betsy owns are beyond belief. So, if you need to laugh about life, love, or vampires, read Mary Janice Davidson and visit Mary Janice Davidson's Website for more information about all her great books. I've laughed til I've cried.

Haven't heard about her, then again there are so many authors I am discovering :D
But I am liking the sound of the book and what you have to say,
Hi Blodeuedd!
Mary Janice Davidson is another favorite author - I love her Queen Betsy stories. The first book 'Undead and Unwed' introduces Queen Betsy, and then the fun begins - her family thinks she dead, but she's really undead, there's many trials she goes through until she meets Eric, her royal consort.
It's all just fun!
Dottie :)
My Date went differently then planned.
We ended up running an earn with a mutaul friend and catching a quick bite to eat.
he likes me, but isn't ready to date-date anyone right now.
Says we should be friends and see how things go.
Which is honest and I'm glad he was upfront.
But I am sad because he is sooo easy to talk to and be around.
he is very conservative compared to me though....sigh...
why does life have to be sooo complicated???
All in all it was a fun night. I'm gonna be friends and if things work out then great. But I guess I should still keep an eye out for my mr. right...
that's hard to do though when you like someone in particular...
O.K., I had to delete the link to A. Foxx test because it took away my article for the week...once you put a comment.
Really I was trying to get the "I'm a 74% DS" tag but somehow I ended up with the link.
So, what did you do to get the tag instead of the link?
I love these "Reviewette's" you are doing Dottie! They are awesome.
I haven't read anything by this author, however she sounds to write a great story!
Thanks Dottie!
Warm Regards
Hi Hawk!
Sorry about screwing up your post, I attempted to leave a new comment, see if that will help you.
I left the html tag the other way blogger would let me.
Dottie :)
Hi Lea!
The reviewettes are easy to write and the stories are so short, that a review just didn't work unless I wanted to do one huge long post, reviewed each of the stories at one time. I think this works better and I can kind of throw them in between book reviews. When I get all the stories reviewed, I'll do a recap post, a few sentence about each story. This is my first try, hope it sounds okay.
Thanks Lea!!
Dottie :)
Hi Sha
Well, at least he was honest, and that an important quality in people today. Some will try to be your friend or more, just to try to get you to do something you may not normally do. My favorite is to get you to introduce them to your other friend who happens to be what they're looking for. Then, they drop you like a hot potato.
Dating is tough, but there's no other way to find out if someone is right for you. He may not be the right one, keep looking and be yourself. Mr. Right may stroll through the door any second.
Dottie :)
Ouch! Yeah I've had that one happen actually.
Yeah, I'm just going to be friends and will be - will be.
Fantastic Reviewette Dottie! It looks like you're really enjoying the Bite Anthology.
I haven't read anything by MJD. In fact it appears that I haven't read any of these authors! For shame!! I will try to endeavor to remedy this immediately!
:) VFG
Hi Sha
Great attitude! Stick with it kiddo!
This anthology has been a lot of fun. The last two stories are my authors I have read before, but they are great. So, not only did I love Bite, but I found two new authors!
I'll posting the last two reviewettes over the next couple of days.
Dottie :)
lol - u missed out on my crazy RANT this morning - your friend HAWK got to deal with me at my "6AM" personality!!!
Hi Sha
I know all about crazy rants. I've had a few too.
Don't worry about it, Hawk likes to hear crazy rants!
Dottie ;0
yeah, HAWK seems like a really nice person!!
I'm Very happy to have met her!!!
The books sounds fun, I am glad I heard about her...
Ok I had this sneaking suspicion so i had a look at my so neglected e-library. I read none last year since it's so hard...better this year though when need to.
Anyway I have this book *blush* A good old e-book, I even had this book I have been craving for.But at the time I got it I didn't think twice. Still would prefer the real book cos I am the worlds laziest e-reader
Hi Sha
Yeah, I really enjoy Hawk's blog, it really makes you think.
Dottie :)
Hi Blodeuedd!
I don't have an ereader, so reading ebooks is incredibly difficult. The solution I've come up with is printing the stories off a few pages at a time. If it's something I really like, I save it in a folder to share with others. For the anthology, it would be ideal. You could print a story and read it.
It's so hard to sit in front of the computer and stare at screen long enough to read a book. Makes my eyes hurt and gives me a headache.
Dottie :)
Thanks Dottie, that's a terrific advice. Especially now when I have some e-book reviewing to do, and it's sure not taking the same amount of time as it would with a real book.
Really bad for the eyes too. And then think e-books should take not something I the book fanatic would like
Hi Blodeuedd!
I know, it takes me so much long to read an ebook than a print book. I don't know why. But it seems easier when I print it off, I don't know why that it either. Maybe it's just me being freaky. lolol.
I would hate it if everything went to ebooks. I love holding books in my hands and the way they feel.
I would be lonely without them, again freak.
Dottie :)
I know exactly how you feel, oh how I would fear the age of the e-books. First, I love to look at my books on my shelf. They are my friends, now I do sound like a loner, but books lover know :)
And I love how they feel, I even love breaking the spine, even if some don't. My books should look read.
And they take quicker.
Hi Blodeuedd!
I know exactly what you mean. Some of my oldest friends are books. Some times I just like to get them out and look at them again, read a page that I really enjoyed, the books always seem to fall open to that page. I love how they feel, the smell of the ink, and texture of the pages. There's nothing like a good book!
Ebooks are the new wave of books, but I can't believe that they could become the only books. And I agree with you, reading a book held in your hands is so much faster than reading on from the computer.
Dottie :)
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