Pages: 504

As the story opens, Kisten has been dead, truly dead, for six months. Rachel cannot get passed the fact that she can't remember that unforgettable night......
Kisten's boat rocks gently on the waves of the Ohio River. Rachel stands in his bedroom drinking in the atmosphere, remembering Kisten's touch, his lips, his eyes, his quirky little accents, everything, but the thing she most desires, his murderer remains a mystery. Ford, the FIB psychic assigned to Rachel, encourages her to let go, maybe it's better not knowing than knowing too much.
But Rachael can't let go--Ivy, she needs Ivy to come to the boat to pick up the scent of the undead vampire that killed Kisten. But can she do that to Ivy, make her relive Kisten murder too? She has to move on with her life or Kisten's death will kill her. Ivy and Jenks are worried and guilty, Ivy because she can't figure out the killer and Jenks because he hit Rachel with a forget spell after Kisten was killed. Now, they find they have been co-habituating with one of Rachel almost boyfriends, Pierce, a ghost that Rachel accidentally conjured when she was eighteen and he hasn't like any of Rachel's boyfriends.
When Edden's son Glenn is attacked by a banshee, Rachel is pulled into another FIB investigation. His aura has been shredded and it's a wonder he's alive. Auras helps to keep the soul intact, and his has been severely damaged. When Rachel, Ivy, and Jenks become involved in the investigation, Rachel is also attacked by the banshee, Mia, who is just trying to keep her daughter alive. When Rachel touches the child, Holly, she happily drains Rachel's aura as well, leaving her clinging to life and time in the hospital. When the witching community becomes aware of another brush with black magic, she is shunned. No witch will speak to her, sell her ingredients to make charms, how will she live?
To make matters worse, it's time for her weekly demon curse twisting lesson with Big Al, but when she calls Al, but instead of taking her, he snatches Pierce. Before his death, Pierce was a demon hunter and he's been trying to make contact with Rachel, waiting in the ley lines for her to appear. Now, Rachel has to retrieve Pierce and gain Al's respect if she's going to have to continue working with him.
After the fight with the banshee, Rachel's memories become stronger. The banshee has been living underground and has the same scent as Kisten's killer. This event triggers Ivy's memory to a dispute at the I.S. (Inderlander Security). Who was Kisten's killer? Was it Piscary as everyone assumes who bartered away Kisten last blood on a whim or as a punishment? Does Skimmer know who had access to Piscary while he was in prison? If Rachel is to have a successful and peaceful life all these questions and more must be answered.
Kim Harrison's White Witch Black Curse was an excellent read. As the book continues Rachel's story from the point of Kisten's death and works its way forward, it leads Rachel to the only possible conclusion. Along the way, Rachel is sidetrack time and time again, and I started to wonder if finding Kisten's killer would be possible. I couldn't help but feel for Rachel, she tries to help where she can, but Kisten's death has left her drained. Top that off with a banshee attack and shunning, and Rachel is at the end of her rope. She needs hope and is able to find only hopelessness. It's as if the gods are conspiring against her. When her memory is finally jostled by the scent of old concrete on Mia's body, it's all she can do to relive the memory. Even with Ford there as a buffer, it drains Rachel worse than the banshee attack. But with the return of those forgotten moments, she is able to let herself, Ivy, and Jenks move on the next step in their lives. Rachel character is so stronger that she pulls you into the story, making you feel her emotions. Watching Kisten die with Rachel brought tears to my eyes, and when she remember his death, it brought tears again. He forgot who she was, why she was there, and until the moment of his true death, all he could remember was that she used to be someone he loved. WWBC is the seventh book in the The Hollows Series center around Rachel Morgan. If I were a first time reader, Dead Witch Walking would be the place to start. The books are best when read in order. I highly recommend this series to all who love paranormal/urban fantasy. For more information about all Kim Harrison great books please visit her website @
Dottie vv

Awesome review Dottie!! I've had Kim Harrison on my TBB list for a while now! I'm going to see if I can find Dead Witch Walking and get started with the series!! :)
Wow.... Dottie that was some review!!! That one rocked! I agree with Blanche... now I have another author to add to the list!!!
Love ya!!!
Hi Blanche!
Kim Harrison is just all around good fun. I especially like the books where Kisten was her man! He was so sweet and sexy as only a vampire can be! Dead Witch Walking is an excellent choice! I tried to read this one slowly to savor each part of the story. Silly huh?
Dottie :)
Hi Cecile!
Kim Harrison does rock! I love all of her books, but I tend to become emotionally attached. They're just really good paranormal/urban fantasy!
Thanks Cecile! BTW, that blogs looking good!
Dottie :)
Dottie, I can tell from the way this review is written that you are a wonderful writer. I seriously mena that. You did a beautiful job with this review.
Hi Barbara!
Thanks Barbara! I felt the same way about your review of Gabriel's Woman. I know it's another one I'm going to have to read. I just love Kim Harrison, and Kisten story really moved me. I'll miss him in her future books.
Dottie :-)
Wonderful Review Dottie!
I've not read this series, but it sounds excellent.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :)
Fantastic Review Dottie!
I've had the first book of this series in my TBR pile for a really long time. I've been meaning to pick up the series but I have so many freakin' books to read! Ugh!! But, I think I'll be moving my book one up in the queue after your fantastic review. Thanks!
:) VFG
Hi Lea!
I really enjoy Kim Harrison Hollow Series. I've recommended it to several people as well as our local library, and they've picked up a couple of their books. What can I say, I guess I can relate to Rachel.
Dottie :)
I know what you mean, my stack of TBR is amazingly large, and I keep finding more books to add to it. This week has been a really slow reading week for me, just not enough hours!
Dead Witch Walking was excellent reading, and since I know you like paranormal, it would be a really good book (Rachel is also part of Were pack, her Alpha provides her insurance, I know it sound hilarious, but it's true. Kim Harrison has a bizarre imagination but I love it.). Not a lot of romance until Kisten gets into the picture, but some. Urban fantasy and paranormal are some of my favorite books to read!
Dottie :)
Love this series but I haven't started this book yet. Miss Kistin!
Hi Ladytink_534!
I see we share a common passion - Tink!
Kim Harrison's Hollows Series is one of my favorites! Great reads.
I miss Kisten too, he can't be replaced!
Glad you stopped by!
Dottie :)
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