Did everyone know that this week is Banned Book Week? For those of you who thought the United States was beyond such perversities as banning books, think again. Many popular books have been banned by various entities in the past, present, and I'm sure in the future. Here's this is a partial list:
Also, there are some great books coming out today, so happy release day!!
Congrats Jocelynn!! To read my review, click here. Check out Jess' blog for a great guest post and giveaway!

Congrats Gail! Check out Blodeuedd's Blog for a great guest post and review!

Congrats Sarah! Fantasy Book Critic has an excellent review, to check out this great review, click here. You want a free read of Sarah Langan's book, The Keeper? Check out Eos (my favorite publisher) for details, free ebook!!

Congrats Jennifer! This is a three part series, light and dark fae fantasy. Fresh Fiction has an excellent review here.

John Sandford is one of my favorite author and today is the release of his third book in the Virgil Flowers Series. If you haven't check out John Sandford's great reads, you're missing out on a sexy detective who's always rough and ready. Genre Go Round has an excellent review here.

For a more comprehensive list of new release, see Donna at Fantasy Dreamer's Ramblings.
Hey Dottie,
I was just looking at the list of banned books you posted. There are some differetn ones that aren't on one of the lists I have. The Pillars of the Earth is on the one you posted. I have that book. Haven't read it yet, but I wonder why it was challenged? I also just bought The Call of the Wild and Of Mice and Men, and a book by DH Lawrence. He's on the banned books list as well as some of his books being on the top books of the 20th century. So I picked up one of his, Sons and Lovers. There seems to be a lot of banned books that cross over to the top 100 books of the 20th Century list. My curiosity has finally been piqued!
Hope all is well with you :).
Hey there Dottie!! Amazing how many books have been banned over the years.. Sad really my heart always breaks when I read about this sort of closed mindedness.
And yes, Happy Release Day!! Hope all is well with you..
Wow, some of those books were real surprises to me. I just can't understand some of them, some I can understand (well I would never ban them but I see how certain groups might not like them.)
Makes me sad :(
Thanks for the pimp :) That made me happier
Hey Dottie!
I read this a while back at Amy C's place and was shocked to say the least. I was at a thrift store this weekend and I saw Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, I grabbed. It was 25 cents. It is for my private collection. Books and music hold the same opinion in my mind... it is a right of imagination. We should be allowed to say or read whatever we so choose. Yea, there are those "stupid" people who think, oh because I read this or heard this, I am going to do it... Okay, in that case, let me bite someone and make them a vampire, yea okay! LOL! But it does break my heart to see that books have been banned over the course of my life.
On to a happy note... I am glad to see some new releases!
Thank you for this post!
Hope you have a great day my friend!
Hi Amy!!
There are several lists of banned books, some of the books are repeated and some have different books all together. I've read quite of few of these books, most that I've read are challenged due to elements of fantasy used, magic, or religious justifications.
I did check out the top 100 books for the 20th Century and quite a few books have cross over status. It does make one wonder, doesn't it.
I hope everything is going great with you!!
Dottie :)
Hi Lea!
It truly is sad that so many books have been challenged. It's due a lot of times due to closed minded individuals as you point out so correctly. In this day and age, who would have thought....
At least some new releases that should keep us happy!!
Dottie :)
Hi B!
Glad to give up a shout, Soulless looks and sounds excellent.
It is sad about individuals who try to ban books, just like music and movies. Without open creativity, the world would stagnate and who could live like that?
Dottie :)
Hi Cecile!
I've read so many of these, who knew I was being a rebel, lol! It saddens me to think that there are still individuals today that are attempting to get libraries to pull books from shelves. It's the freedom of choice that makes reading, listening to music, and watching movies fun.
Have a great day!!
Dottie :)
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