She was only sixteen years old when she wrote Legacy, a truly imaginative piece of fantasy fiction.

Well, in my email today, I received word that it is available as a free download for Kindle. I know lots of you have ereaders out there. This is an excellent opportunity to give this young author a try!!
This is directly from Natalie at Waggener Edstrom Worldwide:
"As you know, ‘Legacy’ by Cayla Kluver is now available for sale at, and this week, Amazon is offering customers the opportunity to download ‘Legacy’ on the Kindle for free! Just click here for more details."
Excellent opportunity for a wonderful read!
Oh no, no Kindle :/
But sure a good opportunity for those who have one :)
Very neat for those of you with Kindles!!! :)
Hi Blodeuedd!
No Kindle for me either, I'd like to get an ereader, but I thinking the Sony, I hear the Kindles can be converted, but I don't know how.
I'll have to check into it before I buy.
Dottie :)
Hi Blanche!
I don't have a Kindle either. What kind did you win this summer, was it a Sony? I don't know if the Kindles can be converted, but someone somewhere mentioned that they can be.
I'm still checking. I hope they can be converted.
Dottie :)
Yes it was a Sony (the 505) and bad me, I've not sat down to read how to work it yet......I plan to, just haven't had time yet!! I'll check in to seeing if conversions can be made!! :)
Oh Dottie... no ereader yet... But what a nice heads up to those that do have them!!! And what a great way to try a new author!!
I hope your day is better tomorrow!
You know what? I jsut won this book in a contest like two seconds ago! Woot! Woot! I can't wait to read it!
How cool, but no kindle here.
PS I have an award for you Dottie, you can pick it up at The Eclectic Reader
Hi Blanche!
I've looked around the net and it's illegal to convert the files, urrr!
So, no way to read a Kindle file on a Sony reader.
Dottie :)
Hi Cecile!
Too bad the one you got didn't work, that blows chunks!
I hope tomorrow is better too, I tired of feeling yucky!
Dottie :)
Hi Krista!
Did you win at La Femme Reader? I know there were a couple of contest around the internet.
It's an excellent read and you won't believe her writing ability. She really writes her characters well.
Happy reading Krista, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Dottie :)
Hi Teddyree!
No Kindle here either, it on my list for someday though, lol. (waiting for riches)
I love awards, I'll come by!
Dottie :)
I remember your post Dottie! Thanks for letting is know. Unfortunately, I have a Sony reader. I love my Sony :)
Hi Barbara!
It seems to be what everyone has a Sony ereader. I want one too. Oh well, I had to try.
Dottie :)
Dottie, I sure did win it from, La Femme Reader! I'm supper excited about it! I can't wait until it gets here!
Hi Krista!
Congrats, I know you're going to love it!
Dottie :)
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