We all share a common vein here at VampChix- we love our vampires! So, we're starting a monthly vampire romance book club and our first featured book is: The Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance 2

The rules are simple:
First rule of Bite Club, tell everyone about Bite Club.
Second rule of Bite Club, don't bleed on the carpet!
Here's how it works:
Each month we will feature a new vampire romance title, beginning with an author spotlight. Everyone gets a few weeks to read the book and then we meet to discuss our favorite characters, plot lines, settings, hot scenes, world building etc. etc. The blog will be open all month long for those who want to chat books, but spoilers will not be permitted until discussion day unless clearly marked. If you have a scene that jumps out and really grabs you by the neck, let's talk about it, but for those who choose to remain in the dark, spoilers can be skipped. When our club meets we can discuss any aspect of the book that appeals to us, and who knows? Maybe the author will drop in to talk too!
Where to find us: vampchixreadbooks.blogspot.com
First bite: The Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance
First chat: October 30th
Cool Dottie!
I may just join in on this one... ;)
I was going to pick up the "Mammoth Vampire" book anyway. hmmmmm...
I'll check it out!
Thanks girl!
Hi Lea!
I'm picking it up anyway, so I thought this might be fun.
Have a great weekend sweetie!
Dottie :)
It was rather interesting for me to read the post. Thanks for it. I like such themes and everything connected to them. I would like to read more on that blog soon.
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