Pages: 288
(Release Date: July 2009)
From the Cover: Max Fitzroy, the legendary Highwayman, had slain scores of demons with a razorlike whip and a burning need for revenge. Now, to rid himself of the demon inside him—who'd cursed him with immortality and stolen all sensual pleasures—Max needed a witch's familiar, the one creature he'd made a career of killing.
But the Highwayman wasn't prepared for the familiar named Aby. The sleek and sexy conduit to the demon world saw past his swirling shadow as easily as he scaled the walls she'd erected to protect herself. Max needed Aby to grant him his freedom, and then he needed to slay her. But how could he destroy the only creature he'd desired in centuries?
Max is at the end of his whip, the demon shadow residing within his body is demanding and shadowing is getting harder. He's afraid that one slip of a shadow and the demon might take over. He needs a familiar, one who can help him shed his shadow's existence. But, his reputation for killing demons and the familiars who bridge those demons into this world has preceded him. The shadow has been with the one-time renown thief known as the Highwayman since Paris 1758 when a witch failed the capture a bridged demon.
Aby is a familiar, a young feline female shifter who can bridge into the demon realm and bring demons into the human realm. To do this, she must be completely satiated and not by food. But what she's looking for is love, human contact and emotion to complete her life. Sex is part of her job, now she want love to be her life. She's on her fourth life, with no memory of the past three. She doesn't know if she's ever known love.
Max's demon shadow makes it impossible for him to live as a human, no food or drink, no sleep or dreams, no sexual fulfillment . The only respite he has is to let his human form turn to the shadow, but always at a cost. He can visit the dreams of unsuspecting sleepers, but never sleep or dream himself. Exceedingly tall, sexy with rock hard abs, he attracts attention wherever he goes. His demon demands that he take the precious jewels found on the necks of his eager temptresses. His gift has been immortality, to watch time fly by, but is it a gift or a curse?
Red haired with green jeweled eyes makes Aby hard to miss. Sensuality flows from her body, humming through her surroundings. She's good at her job, but she's also tired of just serving a purpose. She needs to be loved, wanted for who she is, not for what she can do. Severo, her wolf protector, would love to claim her as his, but this is not to be. She wants to feel more independent, but has the skittishness of a cat. Her gift is that of nine lives, but if she doesn't live her life on her terms, is she really alive?
Aby realizes that Max became infected with the demon after satiating another familiar long, long ago with his highwayman partner, Rainier. If Max is to be rid of his demon shadow, Rainer must be located and persuaded to give up his half of the demon too. But Rainier disappear 250 years ago and Max will have to search all of Paris to find the other half of the devilish highwayman pair.
The Highwayman by Michele Hauf was an excellent read. This story is all about our hero, Max Fitzroy and his struggles to live beyond the demon that has become part of his life. He's lived for 250 years without pleasure and he needs to find a release, or he will go mad. He has searched far and wide for that release and Aby may be his last hope. Aby, our sexy feline heroine, has become independent and doesn't want to have to rely on others. The problem is that she's an innocent to the world, having come into this life as a teenager without memories. She really wants to help Max, but can she trust him not to take her head? Can Max put his trust in a familiar who bridges the one thing he has sworn to kill? This was a fast, fun read perfect for the hot days of summer. It has action/adventure/romance galore. I enjoyed it immensely and would recommend any of Michele Hauf's books for paranormal romance reader. This book happens to have a lot of historical aspects as well as contemporary, so it should please a wide range of readers. It is part of Silhouette's Nocturne series, Wicked Games, Number 68.
For more information about Michele Hauf's other fun books, please visit her website or her blog, Dusted. She also has a free ebook read at Harlequin, Kiss Me Deadly part of the Bewitching the Dark Series, click here to download. She'll be releasing Moon Kissed in September 2009 where we'll found out more about Severo and what he needs to find happiness. Also, After the Kiss, a follow up to Moon Kissed, will be released as a Nocturne Bites in September as well. For more fun, check out her Ultimate Vamp List or her Ultimate Faery List. Michele Hauf can also be found on the social networking sites.
(Release Date: September 2009)

From the Cover: Escaping from bloodthirsty vampires, Belladonna Reynolds ran straight into the arms of a werewolf. As a man, Severo drew her in with his dark good looks; as a beast he astounded her with his insatiable sensual appetite. Whether afraid or aroused, Bella fled to his lair when threatened by an evil monster of the night ....

Michele Hauf's Twitter Avatar
(lovely isn't it, follow her on twitter @
(lovely isn't it, follow her on twitter @
Because the wonderful and intelligent Michele Hauf sent me two copies of this beautiful book, The Highwayman, I have one to giveaway. So that means it's contest time!!!
All you have to do to enter the contest is to leave a comment on this post, tell me which would find sexier, the wickedness of the highwayman or a fiesty demon possession or any comment will do! For a second entry, follow me and let me know. Third entry, re-post this contest elsewhere, please let me know where you posted it (blog - sidebar is fine, tweet, facebook, etc). Randomizer will pick a winner on July 14th. Good Luck to all participates, and to the lucky winner, it's an excellent book loaded with fun! This contest is open to all. For another take on The Highwayman as well as another chance to win, please visit SciFiGuy.
*sigh* Michelle Hauf...I adored her Seraphim novel and the releases in her Changeling series. It has been way to long since I have read something from her hand ;D Love your review Dottie and as for your question; now how is a gal supposed to choose between the wickedness of such a highway man (makes me want to show some leg asking for a lift) and feisty demon possession? Hhhmmm weighing the options, hormones stirring more when thinking of Highwayman simply because I now have a fantasy in my mind of gorgeous hunk offering me a lift…
So we found this hotel,
It was a place I knew well
We made magic that night.
Oh, he did everything right
He brought the woman out of me,
So many times, easily
And in the morning when he woke all
I left him was a note
I told him
I am the flower you are the seed
We walked in the garden
We planted a tree
Don’t try to find me,
Please don’t you dare
Just live in my memory,
You’ll always be there
Uhm….yeah, that was heart suddenly bursting in to song and dance in my mind with wicked Highwayman in my mind LOL
Sorry my Monday morning humor. Thanks for posting about this Dottie and you know I love to follow you! I’ll let you know about posting it in sidebar..I have to come up with a section to post all these wonderful contests!
I think I would like to help Max with his demon possession. Poor Max!
I have never read this author! Great review!!
I will post the contest in my sidebar.
Open to all, I am so in :D
This book sounds great, I have seen it around now and it sure has that something special about it.
As for the question...yikes, what to choose, I think I take the wickedness of the highwayman.
I will go and post this on my sidebar soon :)
Hey Dottie!!!
Oh wow... what a contest!
I am at work right now, but as soon as I get home, I will pimping you out girl on my side bar!!
Wow... after reading Leontine's post... I will go for highway man too!!! Especially if he is giving lifts like that!!! LOL!
I have not read any of those yet, thanks for the great post and heads up!
A sexy, dangerous highwayman over a demonic possession any day.
LOL I just re-read my post and I can see the misconception *oops* HEART as in the Band HEART has a song about a woman giving a guy a lift, they have at it in hotel, she leaves and they ran in to each other a few years later as he looks in to a set of childs eyes just like him. I quoted from the lyrics of that song: All I Want To Do.
Thinking of Highwayman made me instantly sing this song LOL Just wanted to clarify that :D
Hi Dottie!
I've not read anything by Ms. Hauf yet but I've been hearing a lot about her new release The Highwayman!! It sounds like a great book! :)
Hi Dottie thanks for the link and a terrific review. I love Michele's "familiar" characters.
Hey Dottie!! Wonderful review. I kept getting booted offline so I had to read it piece by piece, lol!! But it was great!
Please enter me in the contest!! I will be post about it tonight!!
Thanks Dottie!! I've had my eye on this one and have been reading great things all over blogland.
I'm your devoted follower and will pimp in my sidebar (of course).
I think I could go for a highwayman just fine. ;)
Hope you had a great weekend.
OMG, Dottie you always have sooooo much to enjoy on your blog! I get so wrapped up in reading I always run out of time for leaving a note to say hi!
Big cyber hugs!
Great Review Dottie!
I haven't read either of these books but I'd love a chance to give the author a try. Count me in!
;) VFG
OMG I am so not with it.......I forgot to tell you that I am a devoted follower as well and I'm pimping for you too! :)
Happy Monday! :)
I would love to be entered.
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
I am a follower.
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
I am going to sidebar this.
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
Hey Leontine, that is one of my all time favorite bands and knew that was where you got that from... lol!!!
Dottie, honey... you are on my right side bar ~ being pimped out!!! And of course I am a devoted follower or stalker; which ever you prefer!!!
I hope you had an awesome Monday!
Hi Leontine!
Oh, I am seriously laughing here! I love the Highwayman song!
You are entered! LOL!
Dottie :)
Hi Mandi!
I wanted to help the sexy highwayman myself. You are entered!
Dottie :)
Hi Blodeuedd!
It seems to be a highwayman day!
You are entered!
Dottie :)
Hi Cecile!
I hope he's giving lifts! Leontine cracked me up with the Heart song.
You are entered!
Dottie :)
Hi Ms M!
Thanks for stopping by and following!
You are entered!
Dottie :)
Hi Lou!
Highwayman is definitely ahead.
You are entered.
Dottie :)
Hi Blanche!
You can try her free download!
You entered sweetie!
Dottie :)
Hi Doug!
Thanks for stopping by and Good Luck with all of your contests! Everyone should really stop by SciFiGuy's blog, he has some great contests going on right now!!
Thanks Doug!
Dottie :)
Hi Barbara!
The internet has been really sucky lately! I haven't been able to have comments until this evening! Probably overloaded with MJ googles.
You are entered!
Dottie :)
Hi Lea!
It's an excellent little read this lots of action and romance! I'm thinking Highwayman myself!
You are entered!
Dottie :)
Hi Hawk!
Thanks for coming by and enjoying the contest with us.
You are entered!
Dottie :)
I really enjoy Michele Hauf. I'm posting a review of her short in Faeries Gone Wild soon.
You are entered!
Dottie :)
Hi I Heart Book Gossip (Cindy)!
I hope you try Michele Hauf's free download!
You are entered!
Dottie :)
Thanks everyone for posting my contest! I really appreciated the pimpage!
Dottie :)
Michelle Hauf has some great books and I'd love a sexy highwayman....
Great blog, I'm a follower.
Hi Dottie, the wickedness of the Highwayman for me!
Please enter me in the drawing.
hey Dottie, great review :).
I don't read too many paranormals anymore, but I did start collecting Michelle's fantasy series. I have the first one, Seraphim! I've wanted them for awhile. Eventually I'll get the others.
The wickedness of the highwayman...for sure, thanks for the contest!
I've read and enjoyed several of Michelle's books, including the Luna fantasy series. Wicked Highwayman does it for me.
Becoming a follower now that I've found my way here/
Hi there, just wanted to let you know that you won the Tanya Huff Blood Ties giveaway! Send me and email with your contact info!
Also, I love the Eric badge! I am a huge Eric fan - Go Team Eric!
Hi Eva S!
Thanks for coming by!
You are entered.
Dottie :)
Hi Kaye!
Thanks for stopping by!
You are entered.
Dottie :)
Hi Amy!
I think you'll like this one, kind of steamy and loads of fun.
You are entered.
Dottie :)
Hi Peggy P!
Thanks for coming by!
You are entered.
Dottie :)
Hi Pam P!
I'm going for the Highwayman too.
Thanks for coming by!
You are entered.
Dottie :)
Hi Lindsay!
Too cool, thanks for letting me know!
I'll coming by and send an email.
I think I'll go with demon possession although I'm tempted to side with the other option too. Love the avatar.
Lots of TinkerBell's around. My younger sis is a huge fan of Tinkerbell and she has made me watch the movie at least 5 times :)
Thanks for the contest.
Hi Violet!
Tink is my babe!
Sexy, feisty demon possessed. Cool.
You are entered, and thanks for stopping by!
Dottie :)
Hi Dottie!!
Great review !! Definately the wicked highway man - it just brings all sorts of naughty thoughts to mind!!
wendyhines (at) hotmail (dot) com
Hi Wendy!
I'm taking the wickedness of the highwayman for me too.
You are entered Wendy!
Dottie :)
Sexy highwayman wins for me!
Google reader subscriber!!!!
Hi etirv!
You are enter!
Dottie :)
Bring on the sexy highwayman ~ yummy!!
Would love to win this one, thanks for great contest Dottie :-)
I'm a follower and I've posted this on sidebar of my blog The Eclectic Reader
Hi Teddyree!
Thanks sweetie for the shout!
I'm having a side dish of sexy highwayman myself, and yes, it's quite tasty!
You're entered!
Dottie :)
in this case I guess I'd have to say the wickedness of the highwayman ;)!
I am a follower(pams00).
Pam S
Hi Pams00!
You are entered!
This contest is now closed.
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