Pages: 301

Ever Bloom has survived the impossible, the loss of her entire family; everyone except for her Aunt Sabine, her father's twin. And Ever knows the entire accident was solely her fault. She has cost her family all of their lives; her dad, mother, little sister Riley, and their dog, Buttercup. Yet, even as she watched her family wave goodbye forever, she longed to stay alive. And for that, she cannot forgive herself.
In her old life, she was a cheerleader, popular, one of the 'in' crowd. Now, she hides in the back of the class, hoping to go unnoticed. She hides as much as possible from the world by wearing hoodies and sunglasses and blasting her ipod. Anything that lets her drown out the voices and thoughts of those around her, because since the accident, she has become a freak; a psychic freak. She can see aura or the psychic energy surrounding the living. And not only can she hear everyone's most private thoughts, answers to the test questions, and intimacies she doesn't desire, but she sees dead people too.
Her little sister, Riley, visits daily. Riley just wanted to be thirteen and now all she gets to be is dead, living vicariously through Ever. Ava, the party psychic her aunt hired, tells Ever that this just isn't right. She has to let Riley go and she's right, but Ever doesn't know if she can live without Riley. Her only live friends are Miles and Haven, the only two people who don't care that she's not cool. Haven is being tempted by the dark, and Ever is scared for her; it may cost her life.
Suddenly peace is found, not by acceptance of her 'gift', but by the new guy in school Damen Auguste. With a single brush of his hand, which usually causes pain, a quiet comes over Ever that she can't remember. Like before the accident. When her life was normal, like she could look at herself in the mirror. And Damen only has eyes for Ever. Everytime he sees her, he bears a red tulip. What does this mean? Who can this mysterious and gorgeous guy be?
Evermore by Alyson Noël is a sweet story of loss and love, growing up and coming to terms with the horrible realities of life. Along with those realities, a whole new world is opened up for Ever, full of the mystical and fantastical. She doesn't know why this has happen to her, and when she does, it overloads her circuits and she refuses to believe the impossible. This is not your usual fantasy read and I was intrigued and surprise by what I found. At first, I thought maybe it was going to be Twilight-like, but it isn't at all. Ever is a heroine who lives in the lap of luxury and wants nothing more to go back to her old life. She doesn't need or desire all of the extras her Aunt Sabine can provide. Riley visits everyday, letting Ever pretend that she still has a little sister. And it's not healthy for either of them. Damen, our hero, has loved Ever forever and since he's found her, he doesn't intend to let her go. He's tall, dark beautiful eyes, bronze skinned, gorgeous, and mysterious. Only Ever can change his mind; force him to let her go. It's up to her to decide who she needs to tell goodbye and to do so, she has to accept reality. I found Evermore to be an unique read, entertaining, and at times funny, and then again at time, heart sorry. It was a fast interesting read that I finished in one sitting. If you a fan of YA, paranormal, and young romance, this is an excellent book. I can't wait to read the next in the series, Blue Moon, The Immortals, Book 2 released July 2009. I loved the explanation of auras at the beginning of the book and how Ms. Noël comes to explain the meaning of flowers. A worthy read that I very much enjoyed and recommend for all lovers of YA and paranormal, a refreshing twist. For more information about Alyson Noël or all of her great books, please visit
(release date July 2009)

Update!!!! Alyson Noël has revealed the new cover art of Book 3 of the Immortals, Shadowland.
(release date November 17, 2009)

Want more? Take a peek at the book trailer.
This is on my extremely long TBR list. :)
Hi Chris!
Blue Moon, Book 2 is still on mine, I hope to acquire it soon.
Dottie :)
I have this one on the shelf and ready to go for this month. :) I am so looking forward to reading it. As a matter of fact, I am looking forward to this whole month of YA reading. :)
Thanks for the wonderful review. Have a great weekend. :)
Wonderful review, and the cover art is just BEAUTIFUL...
Thanks for sharing your thoughts about what sounds like a lovely story.
Okay I have this book... I will pull it out to read it!
Wonderful review Dottie... Love the words you used to describe the book. You made me fall in love with it. Had I not had the book, I would have had to have it!!!
Great job!
I hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend!
Haven't read this. Lovely review. It will have to go on my Wish List as the TBR pile is about to explode.
Hi Dottie,
Yup I just read a review of the 2nd book today and really wanted it, and now, well I want it more. It's on my wishlist :D
It's on my wish list! Very nice review!
Fantastic review Dottie, this and Blue Moon are on my reading list, hoping to get to them in the next week or 2.
Hi Michelle!
I'll be by the check out your YA reads, sounds great!
I hope you enjoyed Evermore as much as I did.
Have a wonderful weekend Michelle!
Dottie :)
Hi Lea!
I've been having fun with the YA reads, I'm lovin' it.
I'll be by to vote in the kissage contest. Lots of great entries.
Have a great weekend!
Dottie :)
Hi Cecile!
I remember you saying you pick this one up. I hope you like it as much as I did. I loved the new twist Ms. Noel gave the story.
Have a great weekend sweetie!!
Dottie :)
Hi Doug!
I definitely know about the teetering TBR stacks. My house is bursting at the seems. I'm not sure that I'll be able to read them all, but I'm trying. I'm trying to refrain from purchasing any new books right now. Not sure I'll be successful. lol.
Dottie :)
Hi B!
I think you'll like this one, I sure did. I've added the second book to my wish list. There was a short excerpt in the back of Evermore, it sounds pretty good too.
Dottie :)
Hi Mandi!
Excellent little read, the second book is on my list as well.
Dottie :)
Hi Teddyree!
I'll be over to see how you like them. I'll be interested in your thoughts. Can't wait!
Dottie :)
OH! I have to get that book - Forever More - it sounds too good to pass up!
I've got an award for you darlin' come on by today and pick it up!
Hi Hawk!
Evermore was a fun read with a new twist on love forever. If I can anymore, there would have to be a spoiler warning. lol
Thanks for the award! I'll stop by later this morning and pick it up!
Dottie :)
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