It's been another long weekend here at the Taylor house. Christmas shopping, the wrapping of the pressies, cleaning in case we get unforeseen company, and altogether exhaustion. LOL I hope everyone is enjoying this holiday season, and personally, I'm glad it only comes once a year.
This is the 19th week of our flash fiction, not quite 2 weeks left in 2010, where did this year run away to? It sped me so fast.... a blink of an eye!
I really struggled trying to find an image that could be somewhat true to the season, but with enough fantasy that would allow addition thoughts as well. I wanted something that would allow for anything to the written, but nothing to sweet, because if you noticed, I don't do sweet well, lol! So, for this flash, and this flash only lol, I'm giving a choice of the two images that I liked the best.
This first image is of an elfin warrior, but see? It has the feel of a Christmas tree look in the background. Sort of, lol. Maybe she's one of Santa's elves? Everyone needs security these days...
This second images is one of Michelle's and I had to actually glance through our previous flashes to see if we'd already used it or not, lol. Old age is a bitch! Anyway, I thought this manly angel (I do mean manly, and damn, he looks angelic to me!), could embody the season (again sort of!). I absolutely love the dragons peeking over his shoulder! Maybe he's the Christmas angel, granting Christmas wishes? LOL Anyway, I hoping he is!
I hope you enjoy these images, and can't wait to see what they produce. Have fun with it! And if you'd like to play along, please feel free to do so!
As always, the rules remain the same. We have a 350 word count (more or less) and come back Friday (or Thursday if you need to see how Friday is Christmas Eve... or if you can't play along this week, I totally understand.)
Have a glorious week and remember only 5 shopping days left until Christmas!
Posting mine on Thursday since we celebrate Xmas on Friday here in Finland :) So will be busy opening my pressies
Hi B!
Most certainly, lol, my family celebrates for two entry days, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and we have a wedding on Christmas Day as well. Go figure! It'll be a busy week around here!
Dottie :)
Another great, flash!
Oh yes, Blodeuedd, soon be Christmas! YAY!
Hey, Dottie, I've given you an award! Go check it out ;)
Click here!
Happy Holiday Hugs
Hi Angel!
YAY! I'll be by to pick it up!
Dottie :)
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