I know I promised everyone a post on Stephen King's newest novel, Just After Sunset. I tried, I really, really did!! I got half way through the book, even tried reading ahead. Tried skipping over some of the short stories that didn't spike my interest. Nothing worked!! I love a good scare, but it just wasn't there for me. Now, don't get me wrong, there was a couple of really good short stories in the book, but overall, I just couldn't get into the book. I don't know. I found the best part of the book was the background information in the foreword that Stephen put in the book. It was about the struggle that all writers seem to go through, balancing family and work (and usually a second job as writing doesn't pay off for a year or three). Some of the stories such as Rest Stop, Willa, and Anaya were excellent. Captured my attention. Maybe I just don't like short stories, no I liked Skeleton Crew. Maybe it's just me, I'll go back again later, after I let the stories settle out a little bit, have time to gel. I'm sure it's a good read, but, right now, not for me. Don't be mad at me, I promise I'll do better next time, really. Remember, in the words of Winston Churchill, Don't ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever give up (Martian Child--haven't gotten around to reading Churchill books--way existential).
I have read a couple of books that I haven't review yet, Cold Case by Robin Burcell being one, but I post about it soon. My TBR stack is growing by the day, have many mysteries, paranormal, a few romance, and scif in the stack. I wish Karen Marie Moning would release another Highlander book, just thinking about those today after reading closetwriter's review of Scandal by Carolyn Jewel. Moning's new Fever books, Dreamfever (due out August 25, 2009) and Shadowfever (due out 2010?) will be excellent reads, but I'm missing those darn MacKelters--Dark Highlander--evil and good all wrapped up together in a sweet tasty package, yummy. She's been posting on her blog, The Lady Lies, a book that publishers told her wasn't good enough--way back when--she should try publishing it again--first four chapters aren't too bad--rather good actually, spruce it up and send it out. We need more romance in our lives, don't we?
Hubby wanted to see a movie, but the weather turned bad, so I guess I'll get to read after all, almost finished with The Face of a Killer by Robin Burcell. So far, really a good read. Soon, I hope to post some pics for my daughter cheering, waiting for the end of the season, so there will be NO repercussions from said fat cow from earlier posts. They've now regulated her to the end of the back line in the squad, all because she wouldn't be mean to another team member. The teachers have all been supportive as well as most of the other parents. I actually had other parents come up to me and say 'Don't they know she the best cheerleader on the squad?' Even I was a little embarrassed. She couldn't believe that the other parents were coming over and patting her on the back, she was a little more embarrassed than I was. Oh well, you're only a teenage once, might as well be as chagrined as possible, right?
We went to Champaign to visit one of the gymmoms who is in the hospital right now. She has been really sick, her kids are worried about her, and her oldest texted my daughter with her mom's hospital room number, so made a quick trip (her kids are all at a cheer meet this weekend). She seemed to be doing better, but the surgery was hellacious. I told her we would be back, but she's hoping to be released before next weekend. My daughter spends a lot of time with her kids, so she wanted to go visit.
Well going for real this time, have to go to the store before they roll up the sidewalks and go to bed.
See you on your blogs,
Hey Dottie!
Don't fret, that happens to all us readers!! Some books are just a DNF (Did Not Finish), can't be helped. lol
I've never been a Stephen King fan myself, and trust me, it hasn't been for lack of trying!
If you like a good vamp scare - pick up the first of Raven Hart's Savananah Vampire Chronicle books! Good scary read, there are now 5 books in the series. They are first person POV though, so you have to be okay with a read from that perspective!
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