According to Lisa @ Urban Fantasy Land http://urbanfantasyland.wordpress.com/, I'll soon be the proud owner of Patrice Michelle's new book Scions: Revelation. I can hardly wait as Urban Fantasy is one of my favorite things to read. Can't wait to get the book! Paranormal romance is so much fun! I have soooo many new reads that I should be busy for quite some time. I just love to read a good book, and I can't emphasize enough to everyone out there in blog land to stop and pick one up, you don't have to spend any money, go to your local library or do as I did, find a book you think you will like and enter the contest to win one. It's fun and easy, and it feels good. The publishing industry needs all the support it can get right now with the economy in freefall, there are going to be fewer and fewer authors published in the future. You can check out Patrice Michelle's website @ http://www.patricemichelle.net/. All good reads!!
Blog again later!!
Hey Dottie!
I have this one on my TBR (I'm looking right at it lol), it looks like a good read. We will have to compare notes.
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