The ice looks kind of cool!

Look at all the ice!

Can anyone say brrrr!

Soooo glad this is Kentucky and not Illinois!
Did anyone get to watch Blagojevich on David Letterman last night, he's still pleading his case. I thought Dave was rather gentle on him, only asked a couple of times if all those tapes were taken 'out of context'. You have to feel sorry for him, he just does not know when to quit and he will never be Governor again. It was kind of unfair to impeach him before his criminal trial, but Illinois is famous for it's shady Governors, just ask George Ryan and Dan Walker. He is the first Democrat to get caught, but who would say all those things over their phone. Dave's still talking about him tonight.
My son is taking a film class at LLC. I've been sitting around with him watching all these old movies. He's watched The General with Buster Keaton which was surprisingly funny. It's an old b/w silent movie that uses the action of the characters in place of words (no talkies in the 1920's). Then, he watched The Treasure of the Sierre Madre, which was surprisingly scary. It's an old b/w about a man and his paranoia, and the lust for gold. Today, he watched Singin' in the Rain, which was surprisingly good. Tells the story of the transition from silent movies to talkies, with comedic relief. I can image that many of the people who were in silent movies could not make the transition to talkies because 1) Couldn't memorize lines, B) Had a crappy voice or sounded crappy of the records, and 3) Only had to be beautiful or funny to be in silent movies, not bright or vocal. Next week, he has to watch an old favorite, Halloween. I remember seeing this movie in the theater when I was a wee one, screamed and almost peed my pants, scared me so bad. Now it will probably seem hokey.
Getting to the end of basketball season, only about a month left to go!! Yay!! Then, try outs for next year's cheerleaders are the next week. This is almost more stressful on me than it is on my daughter. There will be hysterics, fits of fear, swearing that she'll never make the squad--she's the only one who can tumble, need I say more? I dread this time of year each and every year since her sixth grade year!!
Still trying to finish Scarpetta, probably will finish it tonight, I hope. Going to go for now. Talk to you soon,
Harper Collins, who owns EOS, is offering Kim Harrison's first book, Dead Witch Walking online. I put the browse gadget in my sidebar. Excellent book if you haven't read it. Check it out, the whole book is supposed to be available online on the EOS Books - The Next Chapter blog @ http://outofthiseos.typepad.com/blog/.
See you on your blogs,
Dottie :)
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